27. What kit is used to check areas suspectedto have been contaminated by CW agents?1. M248A2 kit2. M256A1 kit3. M258A1 kit4. M262A2 kit28. Which of the following actions shouldpersonnel topside take if an airburst occurs?1. Close their eyes2. Drop to the deck3. Cover as much exposed skin as possible4. All of the above29. Which of the following pieces of protectiveequipment is/are the most important inprotecting you against CBR agents?1. Coveralls2. Protective mask3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Steel-toed shoes30. Protective masks serve how many functions?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four31. You should be able to don and adjust yourprotective mask in what maximum amountof time?1. 10 seconds2. 20 seconds3. 30 seconds4. 40 seconds32. The MCU-2/P protective mask has howmany voice emitters?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four33. The chemical protective overgarmentconsists of how many parts?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four34. The chemical protective overgarment canbe used for protection against radiologicalcontamination.1. True2. False35. Which of the following statements bestdescribes the purpose of the mission orientedprotective posture (MOPP)?1. Provides a means to establish levels ofreadiness2. Provides a method for identifying agents3. Provides a means to prevent contaminantsfrom entering the ship4. Provides a method for cleansing the shipof CBR agents36. At what MOPP level would all protectiveequipment be worn with the hood up andsecured? How many levels of decontaminationare there?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four38. A decontamination team usually consistsof how many people?1. Five2. Two3. Six4. Four39. What is the most effective way todecontaminate biological agents?1. Burning2. Using dry heat3. Using steam under pressure4. Using a chemical disinfectant40. Aboard ship, a decontamination stationhas how many parts?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four46
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