13. Nuclear explosions are divided into how many
1. Five
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
14. What would be the most effective type of
nuclear strike to use against a battle group
at sea?
1. High altitude blast
2. Air blast
3. Surface blast
4. Subsurface burst
15. What type of nuclear strike would be
used to destroy satellites and interrupt
communications systems through the
effects of EMP?
1. High altitude blast
2. Air blast
3. Surface blast
4. Subsurface burst
16. In what type of nuclear strike would the
shock wave near ground zero be greater
than the blast wave?
1. High altitude blast
2. Air blast
3. Surface blast
4. Subsurface burst
17. What are the effects of nuclear weapons?
1. Blast waves only
2. Incendiary only
3. Radiation only
4. Blast waves, incendiary, and radiation
18. If a nuclear blast at night causes you to
experience flash blindness, you can expect
your vision to recover in what length of time?
1. 15 minutes
2 hours
3 hours
4. 45 minutes
19. What type of radiation hazard must enter the
body through ingestion or cuts to cause bodily
1. Alpha particles
2. Beta particles
3. Gamma rays
4. Neutrons
20. What is TREE?
1. The absorption of EMP by electrical
2. Interference of passive sonar systems
3. The affect of gamma or neutron radiation
on shipboard electronic systems
4. Interference of radio transmission through
ion fields
21. A survey team is made up of what minimum
number of personnel?
1. Five
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
22. What person is in charge of a survey team?
1. Monitor
2. Recorder
3. Messenger
4. Exec
23. Areas contaminated by CW, BW, or nuclear
agents are identified by markers having what
1. Triangular
2. Hexagonal
3. Circular
4. Square
24. Dose rate is expressed in roentgens, which
are gamma ray measurements only.
1. True
2. False
25. What does the acronym radiac stand for?
1. Radiation decontamination and control
2. Radiological activity detection and
3. Radioactivity defense, identification, and
instrument calibration
4. Radioactivity detection, indication, and
26. The nonself-reading, high-range casualty
dosimeter measures what maximum amount
of gamma radiation?
5 roentgens
2. 200 roentgens
3. 600 roentgens
4. 200 milliroentgens