23. When in port, the ship has which of thefollowing duty section components availableto respond to any type of casualty?1. In port emergency teams2. Salvage teams3. Duty DC watch4. Deck department24. The rescue and assistance detail must havewhich of the following qualifications?1. Be qualified as an emergency teammember2. Be qualified in first aid3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Have passed the PRT25. General quarters is an all hands evolution—itis the highest state of readiness of the ship.1. True2. False26. Which of the following statements describes acorrect GQ route to follow?1. Forward in the passageways and downladders on the starboard side2. Aft in the passageways and down ladderson the port side3. Forward in the passageways and up ladderson the port side4. Aft in the passageways and up ladders onthe starboard side27. Which of the following is an emergencydamage control communications system?1. 2JZ2. 6JZ3. X40J4. X24J28. What system signals override microphonecontrol stations to notify the ship’s crew ofimminent danger?1. Alarms for collision, chemical attack,general, and flight crash2. General announcing system3. DC controls4. Bridge alarmsIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 29 THROUGH 31,REFER TO FIGURE A AND SELECT THE TERMUSED TO DEFINE THE QUESTION.29. This alarm is sounded by the OOD or PreFlynotifying ship’s company of a pending oractual flight deck emergency.1. A2. B3. C4. D30. This alarm is sounded when there is apossibility that the ship will be struck byanother waterborne unit.1. A2. B3. C4. D31. When this alarm is sounded, all hands reportto their preassigned stations and set materialcondition ZEBRA.1. A2. B3. C4. D32. Which of the following means ofcommunications is used when all othermethods have failed?1. Messengers2. Sound-powered telephones3. Morse Code4. Bullhorn33. All Navy ships have how many materialconditions of readiness?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four41A. COLLISIONB. CHEMICAL ATTACKC. GENERALD. FLIGHT CRASHFigure A
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