1. The damage control organization is dividedinto how many parts?1. One2. Two3. Three4. FourQUESTIONS 2 THROUGH 13 REFER TO THEADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION OFDAMAGE CONTROL.2. What person coordinates the efforts of repairparties to control damage?1. The damage control assistant2. The operations officer3. The executive officer4. The weapons officer3. Which of the following are duties of theadministrative organization of damagecontrol?1. Records and schedules for maintenance2. Written doctrine and procedures relating todamage control3. Ship’s bills4. All of the above4. Which of the following are duties of theexecutive officer?1. Ship’s survivability training2. Readiness to manage casualties3. Control and recover from damage4. Each of the above5. What officer is designated as the ship’sdamage control officer?1. The commanding officer2. The executive officer3. The engineer officer4. The operations officer6. The DCA is the primary assistant to thedamage control officer. As such, the DCAhas which of the following responsibilities?1. Training the ship’s DC personnel2. Administration of the ship’s DCorganization3. Maintain records of DC personnel PQSaccomplishment for all hands4. All of the above7. What requirements must a petty officer have tobe designated as the damage control pettyofficer (DCPO)?1. Be a PO2 or above2. Complete the PQS3. Complete the fire-fighting school4. Be designated by the LCPO8. Normally, the job of DCPO is held for whatperiod of time?1. 12 months2.9 months3.3 months4.6 months9. Which of the following is/are responsibilitiesof the DCPO?1. Assist in the instruction of divisionpersonnel in damage control2. Prepare and maintain damage controlcheckoff lists for their spaces3. Make required reports4. All of the above10. What person is responsible for determiningthe safe entry of personnel into closed orpoorly ventilated spaces?1. The gas free engineer2. The fire marshal3. The DCA4. The XO39ASSIGNMENT 8Textbook Assignment: Chapter 12 “Damage Control.”
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