via the chain of command. When making
recommendations for NEC WP-9999, make sure you
fully justify the use of this NEC. Be prepared, on
request, to provide continued justification for such billet
Because the mission of some activities is vital to our
national interest, these activities must be properly
manned, even when overall personnel shortages exist.
Thus, they receive priority manning.
Authorized priority manning is indicated on an
activitys MPA. It may include up to 1000-percent
manning in quality and quantity or both for all or part of
the activity. Priority manning may be on a continuous
basis or for a specified period.
Because the priority manning of one activity means
the undermanning of other activities, continuous
efficient management of authorized manning is
required. Three priority manning categories, priorities
1,2, and 3, are used:
Priority 1. Ships and activities requiring priority
manning for an indefinite period to carry out a mission
of vital interest to our nation are authorized priority 1
manning. Priority 1 manning is limited to that portion of
the activity essential to mission success. Only the CNO
may authorize and direct priority 1 manning.
Priority 2. Ships and activities requiring increased
manning for a specific period to carry out a mission that
is essential to our national interest are authorized
priority 2 manning. Priority 2 manning is limited to that
portion of the activity essential to mission success. Only
the CNO may authorize and direct priority 2 manning.
Priority 3. Ships and activities having a specific
need for increased manning for specific mission
accomplishment are authorized priority 3 manning by
the respective manning control authority. Priority 3
manning is normally authorized for a maximum period
of 1 year. Priority 3 manning authorizations are
automatically cancelled on 31 March of each year,
unless a specific date is otherwise authorized.
The priority manning system is generally limited to
manning whole activities, whole ratings within the
activity, or the whole specific NEC community in an
activity. Remember that when you request priority
manning because requests for specific priority manning
beyond-the general limitations
special processing. Requests
of the system receive
for priority manning
should be made only when such manning is mandatory
for mission accomplishment.
Each Navy activity reviews its manpower
requirements and classifications each year This review
ensures the deletion of unnecessary billets or positions
and the proper classification of each authorized billet or
position. If changes are required, submit a Manpower
Authorization Change Request, OPNAV1000/4A (fig.
If you request changes to ratings, rates, or the
number of billets/positions, you need to justify the
requests. Your justification should explain the changes
in mission, function, and tasks or why the billet is
classified wrong.
Make every effort to include all necessary requests
for changes in your MPA during the annual review.
Justify the submission of MPA change requests other
than once annually. Base your justifications on changes
in mission or functions beyond the control of your
Request billet classifications on the basis of the
duties, tasks, and functions to be performed. You should
not request changes in the classification of billets to
accommodate an incumbent or to require the services of
a particular person. New billets are not normally
established for a time duration less than a normal tour
of duty.
You can find procedures for requesting MPA
changes in the Manual of Navy Total Force Manpower
Policies and Procedures, OPNAVINST 1000. 16G.
Civilian positions within the Department of the
Navy are separated into several groups or pay
categories, including the following principal categories:
Senior Executive Service. Includes executives and
high-level managerial positions.
General Schedule (GS). Includes workers in
administrative, clerical, scientific, artistic, or technical
fields, including positions in the merit pay system
(General Management [GM] employees).
Wage Grade (WG). Includes positions in trades,
crafts, or manual labor occupations.