Manpower Authorization
The Manpower Authorization (MPA) states the
manpower needs of an activity. It gives the Bureau of
Naval Personnel (BUPERS) and the Enlisted Personnel
Management Center (EPMAC) the authority to properly
distribute personnel throughout the Navy and to recall
reservists. The Manpower Authorization has the
following uses and applications:
Used as a basic document for peacetime and
wartime planning of the recruiting, training, and
distribution of personnel
Used for planning of mobilization during times
of crisis
Describes billets authorized to reduce manning
when a units functions are reduced because they
are below the capabilities of the unit
Used by division officers to do the following:
Determine billets authorized during
peacetime manning
Determine authorized NECs to meet the skill
level of each rate
The Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report
(EDVR) is distributed monthly by EPMAC. Each
activity responsible for maintaining an enlisted account
receives two copies of sections 1 through 4 and one copy
of sections 5 through 12 for each enlisted account
maintained. Manning and assignment decisions are
made based upon the information contained in the
EDVR. You must keep the account up-to-date and
accurate by reporting personnel events as they occur and
correcting errors when they are identified.
The EDVR lists all personnel assigned and
provides the following information:
A statement of account of enlisted crewmembers
received on a monthly basis for verification by
the activity from NMPC
A rate and rating summary of the current and
projected manning posture of the command
The basic decision document for the distribution
authority responsible for distributing and
detailing enlisted personnel
The common denominator in any decision of
manning posture between the distribution
authority and the command
A permanent historical personnel record of the
activity in BUPERS
Contents of the EDVR
The EDVR is organized into twelve sections.
BUPERSINST 1080.52, Format and Procedures for
Validation of Enlisted Distribution and Verification
Report (EDVR), gives a detailed description of the
contents and procedures for validating the EDVR. The
following is a brief description of the contents of the
Section 1Prospective gains
Section 2Prospective losses
Section 3Personnel on board for temporary duty,
in a deserter status, or administratively dropped
from Navy strength accounts; followed by an
alphabetic list of all members assigned to the
activity regardless of duty status
Section 4Total personnel on board in distribution
community sequence (list of crew by rating,
Quartermasters, Operations Specialists, and so
forth) (fig. 6-1)
Section 5Personnel status summary (numeric
summary of authorized personnel)
Sections 6 through 10-CNO billets authorized;
NEC Billet/Personnel Inventory, NEC Inventory
Section, Diary Message Summary, and Duty
Preference Listing
Section 11Security/data validation section;
contains the pay entry base date (PEBD), time in
rate (TIR), and effective advancement date of
personnel as well as security data about each person
Section 12TAD/embarked personnel; a listing of
both officer and enlisted personnel in an embarked
or temporary additional duty (TAD) status to
augment normal manning
Navy Manning Plan
Personnel assets are rarely equal to manpower
requirements. Distribution managers (the people who
distribute manpower to all units) are always faced with
the problem of how best to use assets that are short or
are in excess of manpower requirements. Part of the
solution to this problem is the use of a manning plan to