help determine how to distribute shortages and excesses.
The Navy Manning Plan (NMP) serves this purpose. It
designates the ships fair share of current assets
available in the Navy. The NMP is shown in the
statistical summary in sections 4 and 5 of the EDVR.
The EDVR is updated monthly by the ships office
through enlisted diary entries. The diary entries are
correspondence from the ship to EPMAC that update
the enlisted personnel data bank.
Individual detailing (ordering personnel to and from
an activity) and manning decisions are, for the most part,
based on information contained in the EDVR account.
Therefore, each activity should keep its account up to
date and accurate by submitting changes as they occur
and reporting errors when the y are found.
A letter in the Verify Remarks (DD) column of
sections 3 and 4 of the EDVR requires special attention
by the activity. The letters in the DD column refer to
other columns in the EDVR. For example, an N in
column DD indicates that column N information
requires verification and an S indicates column S
information needs verification.
You should keep the activitys EDVR current by
making changes as they occur. An up-to-date EDVR is
a valuable asset for your personnel management. It can
substantially reduce time spent in the monthly
verification of the report.
When reviewing the billet status of your people or
unit, notify the personnel officer of any errors you
discover in the EDVR. The personnel officer can then
take corrective actions.
The Officer Distribution Control Report (ODCR) is
a statement of account of officer personnel on board. It
is received on a monthly basis for verification with
information contained in the BUPERS officer personnel
data bank. It provides BUPERS with information
needed to determine and evaluate officer personnel
requirements. The ODCR contains the following
Billet titles
Designator allowed on board for each billet
Navy officer billet classification (NOBC)-job
Officer data-estimated loss date, dependents,
subspecialty, and so forth
One of the reports produced from the Active-Duty
Naval Officer Automated Record at BUPERS is the
Officer Data Card (ODC). The ODC provides
information for detailing, selection boards, and so forth.
A copy of the ODC is mailed to all officers annually for
EPMAC is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, and
is responsible for the assignment of all nonrated
designated strikers. EPMAC also maintains the enlisted
manpower data bank and distributes EDVRs for update
monthly by each command.
The Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) in
Washington is responsible for assignment control of all
designated strikers, petty officers (E-4 through E-9), and
Do you know what it costs to run your division? Do
you know the true value of the service your division or
work center provides? You most likely know the answer
to the first question. The department head probably
keeps you well informed about the amount of money
your division is spending. In addition, you probably hear
how the division is going to have to do more work with
less money next quarter. To answer the second question,
you need to determine the tangible (monetary) and
intangible (mission support) value of your divisions
work. By doing that, you can show your commands
senior managers just how important the divisions
services are. You can also show how cost-effective the
division is.
To figure the value of your divisions services, use
a published civilian fee schedule and price list to
calculate the civilian market value of the different jobs
your division does. Then use General Services
Administration (GSA) price schedules and
NAVCOMPT Notice 7041 to compute the in-house
costs of doing the same work. You will probably be
surprised at how much it actually costs the division to
do some of its jobs. You will also be surprised at the
cost-effectiveness of your divisions work when
compared to the cost of the same job in the civilian