3. Special series NECsThese NECs are not
related to any particular rating. They are used to identify
billet requirements that do not have a rating description.
Special series NECs are general in nature and can be
held by several ratings. The following are examples of
special series NECs:
9503 all ratings
ASIS Combat System
9537 FT, ET, ST,
Collateral Duty Alcoholism
9521 all ratings
Source Ratings
Rating series NECs are assigned to qualified
personnel in designated source ratings. They are also
assigned to apprenticeship rates and striker-identified
rates applicable to a designated source rating.
Certain E-8/E-9 compressed ratings are not listed as
source ratings for NECs; however, personnel advanced
to E-8 or E-9 do not lose NECs previously assigned.
You should not nominate or send your people to
courses of instruction to earn NECs unless they are in
the proper source rating or apprenticeship. For example,
only personnel in the Photographers Mate (PH) rating
may earn NEC PH-8144, Motion Picture/TV Director,
because PH is the only source rating for that NEC.
However, both PHs and Journalists (JOs), if otherwise
qualified, can earn NEC PH-8146, Motion Picture
Script Writer, because PHs and JOs are source ratings
for that particular NEC.
Personnel who already have a rating series NEC
should not normally be nominated for, or sent to, a
course of instruction to earn an additional rating series
NEC. However, they may take the course if it is a logical
progression from their earlier specialty training. They
also may take the course if their NEC embodies an
outdated technology or if they are in an approved
program for a formal change in rating.
Sequencing NECs
Enlisted personnel on active duty may have up to
five NECs. The first two, or primary and secondary,
NECs (PNEC and SNEC) are reflected in section 4 (fig.
6-1) of the Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report
(EDVR). Section 9 of the EDVR lists all five NECs a
person may have. A sequence code is assigned to each
NEC. NEC sequence code numbers range from 1 to 8,
and only one sequence code number is assigned to an
NEC. Entry series NECs are assigned sequence code
number 1. All other NECs are assigned a code number
2 through 8. The lower the sequence code number, the
higher the NEC priority; for example, sequence 2 takes
precedence over sequence 3. If a person has two or more
NECs with the same sequence code number, the NEC
for which the person most recently qualified takes
precedence, except in unusual circumstances.
Justification for NECs Being Assigned to a
Justify equipment or billet function changes when
you submit requests for assignment of an NEC to a billet
or for changes to your authorized manpower NEC
billets. Keep the following policy in mind when you
consider changes or requests with regard to NEC
assigned billets:
Assign NECs only to billets authorized on
Manpower Authorizations (MPAs), OPNAV
1000/2, for source ratings for the NEC.
Minimize secondary NEC assignments. If you
need to assign a secondary rating series NEC to
a billet, place the NEC that best describes the
billet requirement in the primary NEC position.
Adhere to minimum and maximum paygrades
identified for the various NECs in the Manual of
Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
Section II, NAVPERS 18068E, when assigning
NECs to billets.
Enlisted Womens Billet Designation
In the interest of efficient distribution and use of
personnel, procedures have been established to identify
certain billets ashore requiring women petty officers.
Conversion NEC WP-9999 identifies these billets. This
NEC maybe used as either a primary or secondary NEC
on MPAs. Shore billets designated for women petty
officers are intended to ensure the assignment of enough
women petty officers to fill certain functions of an
activity. These functions involve the supervision,
training, and counseling of enlisted women. Such billets
include company commanders in Recruit Training
Commands (RTCs) and billets in correctional centers
where women are confined.
Be aware of and identify billets qualifying for NEC
WP-9999, and submit appropriate MPA change requests