3-66. What is the effective shelf life of
the chemical-protective overgarment
(a) before and (b) after it is removed
from its protective envelope?
1 . ( a)
1 year ; (b) 30 days
2. (a) 5 years; (b) 14 days
3. (a) 10 years; (b) 30 days
4. (a) 10 years; (b) 14 days
3-67. The chemical-protective overgarment
provides continuous protection within
a chemically contaminated environment
for what maximum number of hours?
6 hours
2 hours
3. 12 hours
4. 24 hours
3-68. The M258A1 decontamination kit is used
for which of the following CBR
1. Biological and radiological
2. Blood agents or radiation burns
3. Blister and nerve agents
4. Nerve gas and phosphorous burns
3-69. The purpose of the Navys Electrical
Safety Program is to provide guidance
to assist in the identification of
electrical hazards, and to prevent
mishaps that could cause fatal
injuries and extensive damage to
shipboard equipment.
3-70. The electrical safety petty officer
works with which of the following
officers in the performance of his or
her duties?
1. Operations officer
2. Quality control officer
3 . E l e c t r i c a l s a f e t y o f f i c er
4 . D i v i s i o n o f f i c er
3-71. Prior to being assigned as an
e l e c t r i c a l s a f e t y p e t t y o f f i c e r , y ou
should meet which of the following
q u a l i f i c a t i o n s?
1. Complete a basic
e l e c t r i c a l / e l e c t r o n i c s s c h o o l or
equivalent training
2. Be fully PQS qualified in Ships
Maintenance and Material
Management (3-M), watchstation
301, maintenance personnel
3. Be fully PQS qualified as a
Division Safety Petty
Officer/Electrical Safety Petty
O f f i c er
4. All the above
3-72. Electrical safety is the
responsibility of all hands.
1. True
2. False
1. True
2. False