4-11. The five phases of a ships damage
control firefighting and defense
include the firemain system,
communication equipment, watertight
closures, ventilation systems, and
what other systems?
1. Hydraulic systems
2. Electrical systems
3. Water cooling systems
4. Propulsion systems
4-12. Which of the following types of
firemain systems is generally found
aboard small ships?
1. Horizontal-loop
2. Single-main only
3. Vertical-loop only
4. Single-main and vertical-loop
4-13. What type of firemain system consists
of two mains installed on the damage
control deck and is separated
1. A composite firemain system
2. A horizontal firemain system
3. A straight firemain system
4. A vertical firemain system
4-14. When is the watertight integrity of a
naval ship established?
1. Prior to getting under way
2. At sea
3. Prior to general quarters
4. When the ship is built
4-15. What is the primary means of smoke and
gas removal during post fire
1. Back-up air supply systems
2. Installed ventilation systems
3. Natural ventilation
4. Portable ventilation systems
4-16. What is the key to successful damage
c o n t r o l?
1. Firefighting
2. Flood control
3. Organization
4. Manpower availability
4-17. Preventive and corrective actions are
vital to damage control.
1. True
2. False
4-18. What damage control organization
includes damage control central
1. Administration
2. Battle
3. Communication
4. Firefighting
4-19. Ship fire parties are divided into
which of the following types?
1. Inport and at-sea
2. Large and small
3. Normal and emergency
4. Quick response and delayed action
4-20. Which of the following is NOT a
primary firefighting agent used
aboard naval ships?
2. PKP
3. Steam
4. Sand
4-21. Which of the following fire fighting
agents is a clear to slightly amber-
colored liquid concentrate?
2. Aqueous Potassium Carbonate
3. Halon
4. Water
4-22. C02 is about how many times heavier
than air?
1 . 1 .0
3 . 2 .0
4 . 2 .5
4-23. Air diluted with CO2 will extinguish
a fire below what prescribed percent
of oxygen?