3-20. Safety-minded supervisors are
considered the key to successful
mishap prevention programs for which
of the following reasons?
1. They have routine contact with
personnel and equipment
2. They know the work areas and
hazards involved
3. They can take immediate action
4. Each of the above
3-21. What is the most common cause of
mishaps in the Navy?
1. Apathy
2. Skylarking
3. Lack of knowledge or skill
4. Long working hours
3-22. Which of the following methods will
you find to be the most effective when
teaching safety habits?
1. Discussions
2. Training films
3. Hands-on practice
4. Classroom lectures
3-23. Which of the following publications
contains pages that make good safety
1. Fathom
2. All Hands
3. Navy Times
4. Navy Customer Service Manual
3-24. Which of the following points should
be considered by personnel who conduct
safety inspections?
1. They should keep an open mind at
all times
2. They should know what to look for
3. They should use a checklist during
4. All of the above
3-25. First-line supervisors should hold
random informal inspections for
hazards at least how often?
1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. Quarterly
3-26. Which of the following personnel
should always be present during a
safety inspection?
1. The division officer
2. The department head
3. The personnel who work in the
4. The master at arms
3-27. The basic guidance for Navy
Occupational Safety and Health
(NAVOSH) is contained in which of the
following publications?
2. OPNAVINST 5100.23B
3. OPNAVINST 5100.19A
4. OPNAVINST 5102.1A
3-28. To accomplish the objectives of the
Navy Hearing Conservation Program,
which of the following actions should
you take?
1. Survey work spaces
2. Require periodic hearing tests
3. Educate personnel in causes of
hearing loss
4. All of the above
3-29. Which of the following is the most
common work-related source of noise?
1. Gun or rocket firings
2. Marine engines
3. Aircraft launches
4. High-speed tools
3-30. Navy personnel should be encouraged
to wear hearing protective devices
while mowing
1. True
2. False
3-31. Equipment or
as hazardous
which of the
1. 80 dB
2. 110 dB
3. 150 dB
their lawns at home.
spaces should be labeled
if noise is produced at
following sound levels?
4. Both 2 and 3 above