work request (AWR), and requests forrepair partsThe Department of the Navy CorrespondenceManual, SECNAVINST 5216.5C, gives specificguidance on signature authority.Signature BlockThe term By direction will appear under thename of a subordinate who may sign officialcorrespondence.Example: A. B. SEAMANBy directionThe following will be added under the nameof a person with by direction authority who signsorders affecting pay and allowances: the signer’stitle, By direction of, and the commandingofficer’s title.Example: PAUL T. BOATExecutive OfficerBy direction ofthe Commanding OfficerFacsimile StampsA commanding officer may authorize othersto use stamps that duplicate his or her signaturewhere the personal signing of correspondencecauses hardship or is impractical. If you areauthorized to use a facsimile stamp of someoneelse’s signature, pen your initials next to eachsignature you stamp to authenticate the facsimile.Always safeguard such stamps from unauthorizeduse.ROUTINE NAVAL CORRESPONDENCEAND MESSAGESAs a senior petty officer, you will be requiredto compose two types of naval communication:naval messages and routine naval correspondence.The manner in which you prepare or allow yoursubordinates to prepare written material reflectsupon your capabilities and attention to duty.Likewise, the quality of that communicationaddressed to other commands reflects uponyour command. Therefore, you must know thebasic policies and procedures for preparingnaval messages and routine naval correspon-dence.THE NAVAL MESSAGEA naval message is an official communicationthat qualifies for electrical transmission. Amessage is used for urgent communication wherespeed is of primary importance. Messages are notused when the necessary information can reachits destination in time for proper action byletter, Releasers of naval messages will determinewhether a message will be released as a message(electrical transmission) or as a NAVGRAM(letter).You may be called upon to supply pertinentinformation for the text of a naval message, suchas equipment status, personnel status, cause ofequipment failure, and predicted time of repair.At other times, you may be called upon to write(draft) a message with all of its necessarycomponents.If you must write a message, you need to knowthe proper format and how to follow basicmessage-drafting procedures. If you are given amessage to read and interpret, you should knowhow a message is formatted and some of thecommunication terms and abbreviations used.Types of MessagesMost messages have at least one addresseeresponsible for taking action on the contents andfor originating any necessary reply. Otheraddressees who have an official concern in thesubject of the message, but who do not have theprimary responsibility for acting on it, receive themessage for information. Do not be confused bythe term information addressee. Even though aninformation addressee usually is concerned onlyindirectly with a message, that addresseefrequently must take action of some nature withinthe command. Some messages have only infor-mation addressees.Messages may be divided into types based onhow they are addressed:Single-addressMultiple-addressBookGeneralA single-address message is sent to oneaddressee only and may be either for action orinformation.2-30
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