will then require referral to the member forcomment based on article 1122, U.S. NavyRegulations.11. Drug Use, Possession, and/or Traffick-ing. The commanding officer may, if deemedrelevant to the person’s performance, conduct,or potential, document in performance evaluationreports that the member illegally used or possesseddrugs or drug paraphernalia. Comment is manda-tory if the person is a proven trafficker in drugsor drug paraphernalia. Also, personnel E-7 andabove who have been confirmed as illegally usingor possessing drugs will have the occurrence fullydocumented in a special performance evaluation.Facts concerning illegal drug use, possession, ortrafficking should be established by one of thefollowing methods:a. A positive urinalysis result, providedthe result may form the basis for characterizationof separation based on OPNAVINST 5350.4b. A disclosure made as part of a volun-tary self-referral procedure, provided the resultsmay form the basis for characterization of separa-tion based on OPNAVINST 5350.4c. Seizure of unlawful drugs or drugparaphernalia in possession of the member duringa search, the results of which would be admissibleat trial by court-martial or in a civilian criminaltriald. Admissions of drug abuse (other than“b” above) or eyewitness accounts of drug abuseconsidered reliable by the reporting senior12. Alcohol Abuse and/or Alcoholism. As inthe case of drug use, the commanding officer may,if deemed relevant to the person’s performanceevaluation, report that the member was unableto use alcohol in a responsible manner. If themember’s alcohol use did not directly affect hisor her performance, conduct, or potential, com-ment is not appropriate.13. Medical Conditions. When a membersuffers from a medical condition relevant to theperson’s performance or conduct, comment onthe condition and its effects. When the conditionis transitory and of short duration, use your owndiscretion about whether to comment. If amember has a medical condition of a long-standing nature that affects the person’sperformance, particularly with regard to theperson’s ability to overcome the condition,comments to that effect are appropriate.14. Recommendations for Future DutyAssignments. Comment on future dutyassignments for which the member may beconsidered. Base the comments solely on yourevaluation of the person’s potential for servingin a specific duty assignment. You need notconsider the member’s eligibility for theassignment. Examples of future assignment forwhich comments are appropriate include overseasduty, instructor duty, recruiting duty, independentduty, or public relations.15. Summary Recommendation. To includegeneral comments on the member’s trend ofperformance and potential for advancement,retention, and reenlistment is always appropriate.For Inactive Reserve members, you must includea retention recommendation.16. Justification for Adverse Marks. Anadverse mark or not recommending a member foradvancement requires specific justifyingcomments.17. Justification of Overall Evaluation Gradeof 4.0. Assignment of an overall evaluation gradeof 4.0 requires justifying comments.18. Percentage of Body Fat and PhysicalReadiness Test (PRT). Comment on thepercentage of body fat only if the member doesnot meet the minimum standards in enclosure (1)to OPNAVINST 6110.1D. Include commentspertaining to the Physical Readiness Test only ifthe member has failed to show progress in meetingminimum standards when no medically limitingcircumstances exist.INPUT TOWARD POLICYAs a senior petty officer you can have a posi-tive impact on command policies by submittinginputs to them correctly, Two methods of inputcan lead to changes: verbal and written.VERBALVerbal input is an oral recommendation aboutmatters related to your division or department.You may make oral inputs about matters such aschanges in muster times, changes in work hoursto meet certain situations, or other modificationsrequired to accomplish goals.WRITTENWritten input is a recommendation aboutmatters related to the betterment of the command.Submit written inputs only if they will improvethe command as a whole. Personal gain shouldnot be the issue.2-27
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