signature authority may only sign evaluationreports for those persons within their scopes ofauthority.The commander, commanding officer, civiliandirector, or officer in charge signs the followingevaluation reports. They will not delegate thatauthority.1. Reports that contain a recommendation foradvancement to paygrade E-8 or E-9; promotionto officer status (LDO, CWO); or any programleading to a commission (USNA, OCS, NROTC,BOOST, ECP, etc.).2. Reports that withdraw a member’s recom-mendation for advancement after authorizationhas been received.BLOCK 46 -ADDRESS OF REPORTINGSENIOR.BLOCK 47 -TYPED NAME AND SIGNA-TURE OF REGULAR REPORTING SENIORON CONCURRENT REPORT.BLOCK 48 -DATE FORWARDED.BLOCK 49 -DATE FORWARDED (if 47used)-As with blocks 23 through 26, thecommand’s administrative office will normally fillout this block.REVERSE SIDE OF THE FORM—BLOCKS 50 THROUGH 56BLOCK 50 -MEMBER’S LAST NAME,INITIALS. Enter the member’s last name,first initial, and middle initial.BLOCK 51 -SSN. Enter the member’s socialsecurity number. Ensure the member verifies thesocial security number when he or she reviews thereport and verifies that it matches exactly thenumber placed in block 3.BLOCK 52 -FROM. Enter the opening dateof the evaluation period. That date should beidentical to the date entered in block 16.BLOCK 53 -TO. Enter the closing dateof the evaluation period. That date should beidentical to the date entered in block 17.BLOCK 54 -DUTIES AND RESPONSI-BILITIES. Complete this section of the evaluationreport in brief but fully descriptive terms. Useterms that describe the duties in a concise andfactual manner and convey a clear meaning to allpotential readers of the evaluation. The use ofstandard naval abbreviations is encouraged.However, avoid the use of unusual abbreviationsor ones of a local nature. Unless provided forseparately on the evaluation form, show thefollowing, if applicable, in the duties andresponsibilities section:1. Primary Duty and Significant CollateralDuties. Specifically describe the member’s duties,responsibilities,and scope of authority inperforming these duties. Cover all duties,emphasizing those which are important.2. Unusual Duties or Duties OutsideTechnical Area, For members performing dutiesoutside their technical areas, such as master-at-arms or shore patrol, describe the actual dutiesthey perform in such assignments.3. Significant Deployment of the Command.Describe duties performed during a significantdeployment of the command. A significantdeployment of the command is any operationalsortie or extended cruise away from the permanentduty station, home port, or home yard duringwhich the person performs assigned tasks in otherthan a training or stand-down environment.Always relate combat actions, hostile situations,or particularly arduous or hazardous stints, as wellas any other noteworthy conditions that maycontribute to the significance of the report.4. Special Assignment. Identify short periodswhen the member is on special assignment andnot under direct observation of the regularreporting senior. Include periods when the personis assigned to shore patrol, the barracks, thegalley, the master-at-arms force, and so forth.Show the period the person served in the specialassignment.5. Periods of Leave and Transit. Account forperiods when the member was on a leave andtransit status before reporting aboard.BLOCK 55 -SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS.1. Special Qualifications. Record all specialqualifications, such as OOD underway, engineer-ing officer of the watch (EOOW), diving officerof the watch, submarine warfare, surface warfare,or aircrewman, the member attained during thereporting period.2. Service Schools. Give the name of theschool, the length (from/to dates) of the school,and the person’s class standing, if assigned.2-25
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