Test scores on the examination are also taken
into account since they give the members relative
standing as compared to that of the other can-
didates. Therefore, be sure you STUDY for the
The single most important factor influencing
selection is sustained superior performance of
duty. Sustained superior performance is a total
person concept. The board looks at how the
member performs under various circumstances,
duty assignments, job assignments within the
command, and so on. It also considers personal
decorations, letters of commendation and
appreciation, and command and community
involvement. Performing well in all assignments
is important regardless of how difficult or boring
an assignment may be.
The following outlines other areas the board
considers in the selection process:
The Performance Evaluation
Objective Review:
Overall marks for a specified period; for
example, all service in current paygrade for
a period of 5 years
Leadership/interpersonal relations traits
Disciplinary record
Subjective Review:
Marks too high or low?
How closely do marks and narrative agree?
How well did the candidate perform in and
out of rating in special assignments?
If candidate had supervisory experience,
how well did the person perform as a
Number of people supervised and under
what conditions.
Working in a position above, below, or in
Career History
Sea/shore duty mix. Any sea duty? When? If
not, then overseas or isolated duty?
Leadership position ever held?
No opportunity yet to supervise. Is this
compensated for by leadership in job or non-
job related activities (chairman for Navy
Relief, Combined Federal Campaign, and so
on; office held in PTA, civic organization,
church organizations, and so on)?
Special skills (SEAL, EOD, diver, recruiter,
recruit company commander, human goals,
NECs, and so on).
Special qualifications (officer of the deck,
training PO/CPO, aircrew, surface warfare
qualified, submarine qualified, and so on).
Special duty (Diego Garcia, Personnel Ex-
change Program, embassy duty, White House,
major staff, and so on).
Leadership/performance trend
Surfaces early?
Bounced back after problems resolved?
Personal initiative as demonstrated by the
Command/community involvement
Educational achievement (of any sort)
Personal awards, commendations, benefi-
cial suggestions, awards from civilian
community, and so on
Once scoring of each rating is completed, the
panel arranges the names of all the candidates by
their numerical score from the highest to the
lowest. That is called slating. The panel then