Retired List, the Retired Reserve, TemporaryDisability Retired List, and the PermanentDisability Retired List.Fleet ReserveThe Fleet Reserve was established to provideexperienced personnel in the first stages ofmobilization during an emergency or in time ofwar. Therefore, the Fleet Reserve is made up offormer enlisted members of the Regular Navy orNaval Reserve who can fill such billets withoutfurther training.As an enlisted member of the Regular Navyand Naval Reserve, you are eligible for transferto the Fleet Reserve upon the completion of atleast 20 years of active service in the armed forces.While serving as a Member of the Fleet Reserve,you may be ordered to active duty without yourconsent. After you have completed 30 years ofservice (which includes active-duty and FleetReserve time combined), you will be transferredto the retired list.Regular Navy Retired ListAny enlisted member of the Regular Navy whohas completed at least 30 years of active federalservice may be retired upon application. Unliketransfer to the Fleet Reserve, the 30-year retire-ment is a right guaranteed by law. As a retiredmember, you may be ordered to active duty intime of war or national emergency at thediscretion of the Secretary of the Navy. You maynot be ordered to active duty under any otherconditions without your consent.Naval Reserve Retired ListThe Naval Reserve Retired List is composedof members of the Naval Reserve who are entitledto receive retired pay. Retired members of theNaval Reserve may be ordered to active dutywithout their consent. However, this may only bedone if the Secretary of the Navy, with theapproval of the Secretary of Defense, determinesthat the Navy does not have enough qualifiedreservists in an active status.Retired ReserveThe Retired Reserve consists of reservists whohave been transferred to the Retired Reserve Listwithout pay.Temporary Disability Retired ListThe Temporary Disability Retired List consistsof members who are temporarily unable to per-form the duties of their rank or rating becauseof a permanent physical disability. See DisabilitySeparation,NAVEDTRA 46601F, for moreinformation.Permanent Disability Retired ListThe Permanent Disability Retired List consistsof members who are permanently unable to per-form the duties of their rank or rating becauseof a physical disability. See Disability Separation,NAVEDTRA 46601F, for more information.BENEFITS OF RETIREMENTRetirement benefits available at the conclusionof a Navy career are, in many respects, superiorto similar plans in civilian life. On a day-to-daybasis, the most important difference is that servicemembers pay nothing toward the accumulationof their benefits.Retired personnel and their dependents areentitled for life to many of the same medical anddental services provided their active-duty counter-parts. However, these benefits have been severelycurtailed during recent years. They also have theprivilege of making purchases in commissaries,exchanges, and ship’s service stores. Retiredmembers have the privilege to use U.S. armedforces’ base facilities subject to the availability ofspace and facilities, the capabilities of thecommand, and any overseas agreements.Retired personnel often do not realize theymay be entitled to many benefits from theDepartment of Veterans Affairs (VA) and fromthe state in which they reside. These benefitsmay include employment counseling, home andfarm loans, unemployment compensation, burialrights, and VA benefits for veterans with dis-abilities.Medical CareAs a retired service member, you and yourdependents remain eligible for the UniformedServices Health Benefits Program (USHBP). Thisprogram provides medical care through uniformedservices medical facilities on a space-availablebasis. That means if the facilities and their staffsare available after the treatment of active-dutymembers, they may provide care for retiredservice members and their dependents.5-19
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