TRANSFER TO FLEET RESERVEA transfer to the Fleet Reserve requires thatyou complete 2 years at your duty station andsubmit the application no sooner than 6 monthsor later than 12 months before your requestedtransfer date. Send applications for Fleet Reserveto the Chief of Naval Personnel (PERS-273).Submit NAVPERS 1830/1 in quadruplicate andNAVPERS 1070/621 (Agreement to Extend) orNAVPERS 1070/622 (Agreement to Recall orExtend Active Duty) as appropriate. Refer toMILPERSMAN, article 3855180, for moredetailed information.TRANSFER TO FLEET RESERVEAND RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTYYou will be transferred to Fleet Reserve on thelast day of the month (date stated on NAVPERS1830/2) only upon the authority of BUPERSexcept as follows:You are undergoing medical treatment notinvolving Physical Evaluation Board proceedingsor appearance before a medical board requiringdepartmental action and you consent to remainon active duty.You request or are involved in a PhysicalEvaluation Board or appearance before a medicalboard requiring departmental action; you will betransferred only after final action is completedand instructions are received from BUPERS.You are awaiting disciplinary proceedings,serving a sentence of a court-martial, awaitingcivil action, awaiting action on an administrativedischarge, or awaiting a checkage of pay on dateof transfer.Your service is required because of urgentoperational commitments; commanding officersmay defer the transfer to Fleet Reserve for 30days.MILPERSMAN, article 3855240, provides anin-depth explanation.PHYSICAL FITNESS REGARDINGFLEET RESERVISTSFleet reservists must notify the CommandingOfficer, Naval Reserve Personnel Center, NewOrleans, of any significant change in their physicalfitness that would result in their transfer to aretired list. Reservists found unfit for duty aretransferred from the Fleet Reserve to the retiredlist of the Regular Navy or Retired Reserve asappropriate, See MILPERSMAN, article 3855260,for more information.PHYSICAL EXAMINATION INCONNECTION WITH RETIREMENTYou must have a physical examination 6months before your retirement date to allow forthe treatment of minor health problems or toidentify health problems that would qualify youfor a disability retirement. See MILPERSMAN,article 3860160, for more information.MATERIALS AVAILABLE TO ASSISTMEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR FLEETRESERVE OR TRANSFER TO FLEETRESERVEYour command career counselor or FamilyService Center should have available publicationsabout retirement. Many commands conduct amandatory retirement seminar that personnelmust attend within 6 months of their retirementdate (see OPNAVINST 1720.3D). The retirementseminar is an excellent source of information.The following are some publications aboutretirement that you can get through the Navysupply system:Disability Separation, NAVEDTRA46601 F; national stock number (NSN):0503-LP-212-6100Once a Veteran, NAVEDTRA 46602D;NSN: 0503-LP-211-8400SBP Made Easy, The Survivor BenefitPlan, NAVEDTRA 46605E; NSN: 0503-LP-003-0295Navy Guide for Retired Personnel andTheir Families, NAVPERS 15891F; NSN:0500-LP-345-1022PRESEPARATION CEREMONYIf desired, a person may request a pre-separation ceremony before transfer to the FleetReserve or the Retired List; however, participationin a formal ceremony is not mandatory.MILPERSMAN, article 3810200, lists items to bepresented to a person transferring to the FleetReserve or the Retired List.5-21
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