are as much your fault as your command’s. Makesure your evaluation covers the correct period oftime. Be sure to list all collateral duties, awards,education (both military and off-duty), specialqualifications,outside activities, communityinvolvements, and so on. Emphasize yourabilities, potential, and willingness to acceptpositions of leadership and management. Do notwrite about how well the ship did on a deploy-ment, an inspection E award, a unit commenda-tion, and so on; but tell exactly what jobs you hadand how well you performed them.6. Very important! Get a copy of your Bureauof Naval Personnel (BUPERS) official microformservice record, and ensure it is up to date and inproper order. Do that at least 6 months beforethe date the board is to convene and at least onceduring each enlistment. To request a FREE copyof your record, write to the following address:Bureau of Naval PersonnelAttn: PERS 313DNavy DepartmentWashington, DC 20370Refer to MILPERSMAN, article 5030150, foradditional ordering instructions.In your letter of request, include your fullname, rate, social security number (SSN), and theaddress where you wish the record to be mailed.Be sure to sign your full name to the letter. Youshould receive the microform record in about 6weeks. When it arrives, look it over carefully;make sure your SSN and name are correct on eachmicrofiche page. Then review the contents of therecord to make sure each service record page isyours.MICROFORM RECORDSThe microform record is broken down intothree separate microfiche as follows:FICHEROW1EABC-DE-FGPROFESSIONAL SERVICEHISTORYProcurementClassification and assignmentAdministrative remarksSeparation and retirementMiscellaneousFICHEROW2EA-CDEF-G3EABCDEFGPERFORMANCE EVALUA-TION AND TRAINING DATAEnlisted performance dataTraining and educationAwards, medals, and commenda-tionsAdverse information, nonjudicialpunishment (NJP), courts-martialPERSONAL DATARecord of emergency data/bene-ficiary slipRecord changesSecurity clearances and investiga-tionsSecurity miscellaneousMedical dataOut-of-service inquiries/responsesMiscellaneousIf you have broken service, you may have amicrofiche page 4E. This fiche contains documentsreceived after your discharge. The documents donot appear in any particular order. Not allpersonnel with broken service have a page 4Efiche.NOTE: The 3E and 4E microfiche are notroutinely given to the selection boards but maybe obtained if deemed necessary.The following information is provided to helpyou put your record in order. Refer to DocumentSubmission Guidelines for Military PersonnelRecords System (NMPCINST 1070.1A) forspecifics.1. Enlisted microform records are normallyupdated at the end of each enlistment orreenlistment. At that time, your localcommand takes the old page 4s, 5s, 9s, 13s,and so on, from your paper record andforwards them to BUPERS for filming inthe master record. Letters of commendationor appreciation are not in your master5-17
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