Table 5-2.-Eligibility for USHBP(USHBP) (table 5-2). Dependents can receivehealth care at military facilities on a space-available basis or can obtain care through theCivilian Health and Medical Program of theUniformed Services (CHAMPUS).CHAMPUSThrough CHAMPUS the government sharesthe cost of medical care from civilian hospitalsand doctors. Although CHAMPUS is an excellenthealth care plan, you need to know the followinglimitations on its coverage:Pays 80 percent of the allowable cost.Requires a deductible of 0 per personor 0 per family each year (1 Oct. to 30Sep.).Pays for prescriptions filled by civilianpharmacies when the medication is notcarried at a military hospital.Imposes a catastrophic cap of
,000 foractive-duty personnel and ,000 per yearfor retired personnel.Pays for outpatient care in civilianhospitals; pays for in-patient care only ifa nonavailability statement is obtainedfrom a military hospital before the patientis admittedThe CHAMPUS Handbook, available fromyour local military hospital, fully explains CHAM-PUS benefits. Consult your local CHAMPUSrepresentative if you have questions.FINANCIAL COUNSELINGYour local command financial counselor,Family Service Center, and credit union providefinancial counseling. Additionally, many militaryprofessional organizations provide financialcounseling to members at no charge.Financial counseling is one of your benefits.Use it if you need it or if you would just like tofind a better way of handling your finances. Neverprovide financial counseling to your subordinates,even if they request it. Refer them to one of theorganizations just mentioned.ROLES DURING CAREERPROGRESSIONYour role and function as a chief petty officerwill progress through three distinct phases5-12
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