Servicemembers OpportunityCollege (SOC)The Servicemembers Opportunity College(SOC) consists of a national group of more than450 colleges. These colleges have agreed tocooperate with the Department of Defense(DOD), the military services, and the Coast Guardto support voluntary education programs. SOCmembers include universities, 4-year and 2-yearcolleges, and technical institutes. SOC memberssubscribe to specific principles and criteria toensure that high-quality academic programs areavailable to military students.Navy Associate DegreeProgram (SOCNAV)The Navy Associate Degree Program (SOCNAV)is the associate degree program for the Navycoordinated by SOC. It consists of groups ofaccredited colleges offering associate degreeprograms on or accessible to Navy installationsworldwide. The associate degree programs areoffered in fields of study relating to the members’ratings. A plan for a 4-year baccalaureate degreeprogram, similar to the associate degree program,is being considered. Within each of the curriculumareas, the member colleges guarantee to accepteach others’ credits for transfer, An officialevaluation of all prior learning is issued by the“parent” college as a SOCNAV Student Agree-ment. This agreement serves as the student’sacademic plan and contract for the degree.Presently, SOCNAV includes 41 collegessupporting 10 networks (each consisting ofseparate curriculum areas) at over 100 Navyinstallations. All SOCNAV networks relate tomilitary occupations.Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Act of 1984Beginning on 1 July 1985, nonprior servicemembers entering active duty began receivingeducational benefits under the Montgomery GIBill (MGIB). Service members eligible for theVietnam Era GI Bill also became eligible to receivebenefits under the MGIB as of 1 January 1990.Service members who entered active duty after31 December 1976 and are eligible for theVeterans’ Educational Assistance Program(VEAP) are not eligible. Beginning 1 July 1985Selected Reserve and National Guard personnelalso became eligible for certain MGIB benefits.The MGIB provides for basic financialassistance in the amount of 0 per month for36 months. Members may use their educationalbenefits while in service after 2 years of activeduty. Members must use all benefits within 10years after the date of their last discharge orrelease from active duty.Those who began active duty after 30 June1985 automatically incur a monthly pay reductionof 0 per month for 12 months unless they electnot to take part in this program. Service membersmust make this one-time, irrevocable decisionwhen they begin active duty. Officer candidatesmake this decision at the time of their com-missioning. Vietnam Era GI Bill personnel are notrequired to contribute to the program to remaineligible.Service members who do not meet the criteriato convert benefits retain Vietnam Era GI Billbenefits, which they must use by 31 December1989.Those persons who were on active duty on1 July 1988 retain Vietnam Era benefits and arecovered by the new GI Bill.On 1 January 1990 eligible members wereautomatically covered by the MGIB at a rate of0 per month plus one-half of their VietnamEra GI Bill entitlement rate that was effective31 December 1989. This payment may not exceed36 months or the number of months of remainingVietnam Era entitlement, whichever is less. Thetotal entitlement used under both bills cannotexceed 48 months.DUTY ASSIGNMENTSYou have the opportunity to work with yourdetailer to receive a favorable set of orders. Underthe Guaranteed Assignment Retention Detailing(Guard) III program, you may be able to receivetwo guaranteed duty assignments. You must usethe first Guard III assignment during your firstreenlistment. You can use the second Guard IIIassignment anytime up to your 25th year ofservice.COMMISSIONING PROGRAMSThe Navy offers many ways for young enlistedpersonnel to join the officer ranks. Young sailorscan apply for the Naval Academy or theBroadened Opportunity for Officer Selection andTraining (BOOST) Program or seek a collegedegree and apply for a direct commission. Seniorenlisted personnel can apply for the Chief5-8
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