LeaveEach person in the naval service earns 30 daysof paid leave each year in addition to holidays.A person would have to work many years to earna benefit of that size in the civilian sector.RecreationMany naval stations, bases, and airfields haveoutstanding recreational facilities armed forcespersonnel and their families can use at no cost orat a nominal cost. The quality of facilities varieswith each site; however, most facilities rival thosefound in the civilian sector. Additionally, manycommands allow service members to take part inintramural sports during working hours.Family ServicesFamily Service Centers (FSCs) provideservices, information, and referral on a full rangeof family-related resources, organizations, andprograms. The many internal and external familyservice programs FSCs offer include the following:American Red CrossNavy Sponsor ProgramChamber of CommerceUnited Services Organizations (USO)Navy LeagueVolunteer programsNavy Relief SocietyWives clubsFamily Ombudsman programsFamily information schoolsPublic Affairs OfficePersonal and family enrichment programsFinancial counseling and educationChild care information and servicesRelocation information and servicesEmergency services and assistanceSpecial needs family informationRetired personnel informationWelcome aboard packagesHospitality kitsWifeline publicationsSponsor Program guidance and assistanceNavy LodgeNavy lodges provide temporary, inexpensivehousing for military personnel and their familiesfor up to 30 days during permanent change ofstation transfers. Under hardship conditions thelocal commander may authorize an extension ona case-by-case basis. Lodging for militarypersonnel and their families, relatives, and guestsis provided for short visits. Retired militarypersonnel and their families may stay at the Navylodge on a space-available basis. Transientmilitary personnel on temporary duty orders mayuse the Navy lodge if the bachelor facilities arefull. The toll free telephone number for the NavyLodge is 1-800-Navy-Inn (1-800-628-9466).Low-Cost Life InsuranceAn overlooked benefit of being in the Navyis low-cost life insurance. Many servicemen’sbenefit organizations offer excellent low-cost lifeinsurance. You should comparison shop to receivethe best overall value. The Navy officiallyrecognizes and endorses only two sources of low-cost life insurance for active-duty personnel:Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) andthe Navy Mutual Aid Society.SERVICEMAN’S GROUP LIFE INSURANCE(SGLI). —SGLI is available to personnel servingon active duty, serving on active duty for training,or performing inactive duty for training. Coverageis available while personnel are on active duty andup to 120 days after separation. The cost is $.40a month per ,000 of coverage to a maximumof 0,000. Personnel automatically receivemaximum coverage upon entering the service.NAVY MUTUAL AID SOCIETY. —TheNavy Mutual Aid Society is the only organization5-3
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