CHAPTER 5CAREER INFORMATION AND TRAININGLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:1. Recognize career information to be provided3. Identify the Navy retirement junior personnel.4. Explain how to plan and conduct training.2. Identify the roles and functions of chief pettyofficers.Chief, senior chief, and master chief pettyofficers each have a distinct role and functionwithin the Navy. You should be aware of theresponsibilities associated with these positions asyou advance. One of your responsibilities is to beable to provide junior personnel with careerinformation.The first part of this chapter presents informa-tion you and your junior personnel need to knowas you develop your naval career. It explains thetraditional benefits, entitlements, education, com-missioning programs, and health care available.Since you will retire at some point in yourcareer, you also need to know about your retire-ment benefits. You may decide to retire withonly 20 years of service or wait to retire with30 years of service. In either case you need toknow what retirement benefits you will have sothat you can plan for retirement. This textprovides a brief overview of the retirementprogram. Since junior personnel also need to planfor retirement, you should be able to present themwith this information.The last part of this chapter covers trainingprograms. It explains how you can plan and directpersonnel training within your division or workcenter. It also discusses your responsibility intraining junior officers to conduct Navy business.CAREER INFORMATIONAn important job of a chief petty officer isto provide junior personnel with accurate infor-mation about the advantages and the developmentof a Navy career. Before you can provide juniorpersonnel with accurate career information, youneed to interview them about their background,their interests, and their qualifications. Based onthat information, you can counsel personnelabout the various career development programsand training available to help them advance. Youcan also counsel with them about the many dutyassignments, benefits, and entitlements the Navyoffers. Plan to conduct the first career counselingsession about 2 years into their career.THE INTERVIEWThe purpose of an interview with your juniorpersonnel is to inform them about the Navy andthe benefits they are entitled to. You mayconduct informal and formal interviews.The informal interview often takes place onthe deck or in a lounge when counselees ask youquestions about specific programs. This type ofinterview is difficult because you may not knowif they qualify for certain programs. When youconduct informal interviews, follow the policy ofgiving a general overview of programs and gettingback to the counselees with specific details. When5-1
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