If your message or correspondence isclassified, you should check the documentmanually. A good desk reference set is a must.As a minimum you should have:A standard desk dictionary and thesaurusHedge’s Harbrace College Handbook orChicago Style ManualTelecommunications Users Manual, NTP3(H)U.S. Navy Plain Language Dictionary,NTP 3, SUPP-1(K)Department of the Navy CorrespondenceManual, SECNAV Instruction 5216.5CNaval Terms DictionaryEnsure the message or correspondence is brief,simple, and clearly written. Elements of well-written messages or correspondence include thefollowing:Introduction—state the purpose.Body—discuss the subject.Closing—present your conclusions orrecommendations.Appendix or enclosures—include pertinentdetails (not always required).Begin your review by making sure the docu-ment is in the correct format. Read the documentfor content. If you have questions about theaccuracy of the information, ask the petty officerwho wrote the document to clarify your questions.Check the document for mechanical defects. Youdo this by making sure each sentence starts witha capital letter, each sentence ends with theappropriate punctuation, and the appropriatewords begin with capital letters. Make surespelling is correct and redundant words orsentences are deleted.SHIP’S ORGANIZATION ANDREGULATIONS MANUAL (SORM)Your command’s Standard Organization andRegulations Manual (SORM) is a command-specific version of the Standard Organization andRegulations of the U.S. Navy (SORN). TheSORM should be arranged in the same manneras the SORN and contain detailed bills as theyapply to your command. This section covers yourresponsibility to keep the SORM current andup-to-date.PURPOSEThe purpose for updating the SORM is tomake sure you are operating your work center ordivision using the most up-to-date informationand procedures available. The SORM should beupdated at least annually to remain current.Reasons for the annual update include thefollowing:Instructions have been issued, deleted,changed, or revisedEquipment has been added, deleted, orchangedREVIEWING THE SORMYou should review the SORM every time anevent occurs that effects the normal operation ofyour work center or division. Review the sectionof the SORM relevant to the event to see if achange in the SORM is warranted. You are in thebest position to determine if and how muchchanges in instructions or equipment affect theSORM. Do not rely on the commanding officer,executive officer, department head, or divisionofficer to notice if the SORM needs to be updated.They do not have the time or the detailedknowledge that you do.PREPARING AND SUBMITTINGCHANGES TO THE SORMYou have been doing your job and have nothad an event that changes the normal operationof your work center during the last year. Do youneed to review the SORM? Of course you do!Review the areas of the SORM that affect yourwork center or division. Compare the listedreferences in each section to the latest copy of thecommand’s master directives and issuance list.Your administrative office should have a 5215master list that contains all instructions applicableto your ship.4-35
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