you research the specific details of the programs
the people ask about, check to see if they qualify
for those programs.
Conduct the formal interview in a quiet
setting, such as a private office. Before you
interview people, review their service record,
prepare background information, and identify
programs for which they qualify. At the start of
an interview, describe why you are conducting the
interview. Then follow the same procedure you
would use in conducting a counseling session, as
described in chapter 4. Ask questions and then
rephrase the answers to ensure you understand
what was said. Let personnel describe their
interests and goals. Then be sure you discuss pro-
jected rotation dates (PRDs).
Status and Goals
Determine the status and goals of your
personnel during the interview. What types of
programs is the counselee qualified for? How far
along has the person progressed toward a college
degree or advancement? Has the individual
qualified for special schooling?
Ask counselees to state their career goals. If
counselees have set goals they cannot easily reach
or for which they do not qualify, help them
modify those goals. If a persons goal is a
college degree, find out how much credit the
individual can receive for Navy schools. See if the
counselee could receive an associate degree by
taking one or two Program for Afloat College
Education (PACE) courses? If a person wishes
to attend a certain A or C school, determine if
the person will need to extend his or her enlist-
Sea and Shore PRDs
Inform counselees of the sea and shore
rotation of their specific rating. The sea and shore
rotation changes periodically, but persons may not
be aware of the change. Also, when personnel
apply for certain programs, such as the Selective
Training and Reenlistment (STAR) Program or
Selective Conversion and Reenlistment (SCORE)
Program, the sea or shore rotation could change.
Let counselees know when they are due to rotate
to a new command. Projected rotation dates
(PRDs) can be changed to match school quotas.
The Selective Training and Reenlistment
(STAR) Program offers career designation to
first-term members who reenlist and establish
career eligibility for the following incentives:
Guaranteed assignment to a class A or C
school or C school package
Guaranteed advancement to petty officer
second class if eligible after completion of
C school or the C school package listed on
the current career school listing
Guaranteed advancement to petty officer
third class after completion of Phase I of
Advanced Electronics Field A school
Selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) if
The Selective Conversion and Reenlistment
(SCORE) Program offers the following career
incentives to members who reenlist for conversion
to critically undermanned ratings:
Guaranteed assignment to A school with
automatic rating conversion upon gradu-
Guaranteed assignment to an appropriate
C school or C school package if available
Automatic advancement to petty officer
second class upon completion of C school
or the C school package as indicated on
the current career schools listing in the
Naval Military Personnel Manual
(NAVPERS 15560A)
SRB if eligible
Traditional benefits are for all persons in the
Navy, regardless of rank or rate. These benefits
include leave, recreation, family services, Navy
lodging, and low-cost life insurance.