Warrant Officer Program, Limited Duty OfficerProgram, or other commissioning programs ifeligible.United States Naval Academy (USNA)The Navy’s own undergraduate professionalcollege, the United States Naval Academy (USNA)in Annapolis, Maryland, is the academic trainingground for future naval officers. The Academyprepares young men and women, morally,mentally, and physically to be professionalofficers in the Navy or Marine Corps. Thefollowing features are characteristic of theAcademy:It is the Navy’s own undergraduate pro-fessional college.Candidates are nominated from severalsources.It offers 4 years of college leading to acommission in the Navy or Marine Corps.The Academy is one of those exceptionaleducation programs available to enlisted men andwomen in the Navy. Keen chief petty officers andgood command personnel are required to identifyyoung enlisted men and women who are potentialcandidates for this program. Even if an applicantis not selected for direct entry into the NavalAcademy, each candidate is automaticallyconsidered for entrance into the Academy’spreparatory school.High school students and active-duty militarypersonnel may be nominated to the Academy bythe President or Vice President of the UnitedStates; a senator; a congressional representative;or by civil officials of Puerto Rico, the VirginIslands, Guam, or American Samoa. High schoolstudents should begin the application process intheir junior year. Applicants must meet thefollowing basic eligibility requirements:Be a citizen of the United StatesHave good moral characterBe unmarried and have no dependentsBe at least 17 years of age and not havereached the 22nd birthday on 1 July of theyear of admission to the Naval AcademyQualify scholastically, physically, andmedicallyThe Chief Warrant Officer(CWO) ProgramThe Chief Warrant Officer Program providesoutstanding active-duty Regular Navy or NavalReserve personnel a direct path of advancementto chief warrant officer.To be eligible for appointment, an applicantmust meet the following requirements:Be a U.S. citizenBe serving on active duty as a CPO, anSCPO, or an MCPO in the Regular Navy,Naval Reserve, or Training and Admin-istration of Reserves (TAR) program at thetime of applicationBe physically qualified for appointment asa chief warrant officerBe a high school graduate or possess theservice-accepted equivalentHave no record of conviction by court-martial or of conviction by civil court forany offenses other than minor traffic viola-tions for 4 years preceding 1 October ofthe year of applicationBe recommended by the commandingofficerMust have completed at least 12 years, butnot more than 24 years, of active serviceon 1 October of the year application ismadeThe Limited Duty Officer (LDO) ProgramThe Limited Duty Officer (LDO) Programprovides a path of advancement for PO1s throughSCPOs and chief warrant officers to commissioningas a temporary ensign or lieutenant junior grade(as applicable) in the Regular Navy or NavalReserve.The applicant must meet the followingeligibility requirements to apply for the LDOProgram:Be a U.S. citizenBe serving on active duty in the RegularNavy, Naval Reserve, or TAR program atthe time of application (If selected, inactiveReserve personnel must remain on activeduty until appointment is tendered.)5-9
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