basis with other students applying for NROTCscholarships or admission to the Naval Academy.The BOOST Program gives these young peopleevery opportunity to succeed. This program is amajor part of the Navy’s affirmative action plan.Interested minority personnel are stronglyencouraged to apply.The BOOST Program provides successfulstudents with a 4-year undergraduate educa-tion. It opens a direct pathway for enlistedpersonnel to attain professional status asNavy officers after graduation from college.The program helps these people acquire thescholastic skills and academic credentials thatplace the BOOST graduates on a par withtheir college-bound peers. Before helping per-sonnel apply for the BOOST Program, youshould ensure applicants are genuinely inter-ested in pursuing a Navy career. Those per-sons selected are expected to enter collegewell prepared to meet the academic challengesand demands of a commissioning educationprogram.BOOST training is conducted at ServiceSchool Command, NTC, San Diego, California.The curriculum concentrates on mathematics;physical and social sciences; and the communica-tion skills of reading, writing, listening, andspeaking. Educational and personal counseling,development of study skills, and time manage-ment are also included in the program. The lengthof BOOST school instruction is normally12 months, The basic eligibility y requirements areas follows:Have U.S. citizenshipBe at least 17 years of age (Maximum agerequirements for BOOST students arecontingent upon eligibility for at least oneof the related officer procurementprograms.)Be serving on active duty in the Navy orNaval Reserve and have 36 months ofobligated service as of 1 June of the yearin which BOOST training commences (Ifselected for NROTC or nominated forappointment to the Naval Academy, themember must agree to incur 4 years ofobligated service on completion ofBOOST.)Meet physical standards as prescribed inthe Manual of the Medical Department,U.S. NavyHave no record of conviction by court-martial or by civil court for other thanminor traffic violationsHave no record of violations of article 15of the Uniform Code of Military Justice(UCMJ) for 2 years preceding entry intoBOOST schoolBe a high school graduate or possess aGED equivalency certificate (Selectedapplicants not meeting this requirementwill satisfy the requirement during BOOSTschool based upon their military educa-tional experience and GED test results.)Have achieved minimum test scores on theScholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or theAmerican College Test (ACT) within 12months preceding application deadlinedate (Article 1020360 of the Naval MilitaryPersonnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) con-tains minimum test scores.)Be recommended by the commandingofficerThe MILPERSMAN contains additional in-formation on the BOOST Program. OPNAVNotice 1500 announces eligibility requirementsand application procedures yearly, normallyaround June or July.Direct CommissionEnlisted personnel who have a baccalaureateor higher degree from an accredited institutionare eligible to apply for a direct commissionthrough the U.S. Naval Reserve Officer Program.Generally the age limit is 30 years; however, someprograms allow a maximum age of 36. Refer toOPNAVINST 1120.2A and MILPERSMAN,article 1020100, for more details; or contact anofficer recruiter.DEPENDENT CARE POLICYDependents of active-duty, retired, or deceasedmilitary personnel are eligible for care under theUniformed Services Health Benefits Program5-11
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