Commands include the requirement forreporting of emergency destruction of classifiedmaterial as part of their emergency plan.DISSEMINATION OFCLASSIFIED MATERIALCommanding officers establish procedures todistribute classified material originated or receivedby commands. They also establish procedures tolimit outside distribution to those activitieshaving a need to know and to reflect any restric-tions imposed by originators or higher authority.Review material prepared for public releaseto ensure it reveals no classified or sensitiveUnclassified information. SECNAVINST 5720.44Aoutlines the policies and procedures governingpublic release of official information and theconditions under which a security review isrequired. Certain categories of informationrequire review and clearance by the AssistantSecretary of Defense (Public Affairs).Top Secret MaterialTop Secret material originated within DODcan be disseminated outside DOD only if theoriginating department or agency gives its consent.Secret and Confidential MaterialOriginators may prohibit the dissemination oftheir classified materials. Otherwise, you maydisseminate Secret and Confidential materials toother departments and agencies of the executivebranch of the government.Naval Nuclear Propulsion InformationThe protection of all strategically importantinformation is essential to national security.However, because nuclear-powered ships and thenaval nuclear propulsion program are majordeterrents to war, information about them is atarget for hostile intelligence organizations.Therefore, commands need to maintain rigidcontrol over all information about these subjects,whether classified or Unclassified. Unnecessarydissemination, cursory security review, andcareless handling of this information help hostileagents in their collection of intelligence.MARKING OFCLASSIFIED MATERIALClassified markings and annotations or othermeans of identifying classified information revealthe classification level and degree of protectionrequired for material. They also show the levelof protection required for extracted and para-phrased information and help to determine theneed to downgrade and declassify material.Therefore, mark all classified materials in amanner that leaves no doubt about the level ofclassification assigned. Use classification markingsthat leave no doubt as to which parts contain orreveal classified information or how long thematerials should remain classified. Take anyadditional measures needed to protect thematerials.The word document, as used in this text,means publications, correspondence (such asmilitary and business letters and memoranda), andother printed or written products (such as chartsand maps). Although you can easily mark mostdocuments, you may have difficulty markingmaterials such as hardware, recordings, andphotographs. If the makeup of materials preventyou from marking on them, affix the markingsby means of a tag, sticker, decal, or similardevice. Affix classification markings so thatthey are obvious on documents and othertypes of materials, including containers forstorage.Classified marking and application require-ments vary, depending on the kind of material towhich you must apply the markings. Include thefollowing basic markings on all classifiedmaterials:The identity of the original classificationauthorityThe agency or office of originThe overall classificationThe declassification date or event or thenotation “Originating Agency’s Deter-mination Required (OADR)”Any downgrading instructionsThe overall classification is the highestclassification of any information contained in or9-28
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