damage control assistant (DCA) upon beingassigned to or released from these duties. Theexecutive officer is the final approving authorityfor nomination, replacement, and rotation of allDCPOs. The duty DCPO performs the normalDCPO’s duties in his or her absence. Therefore,the duty DCPO must be fully qualified as aDCPO.The normal DCPOs and duty DCPOs areresponsible for the following duties:Acquainting themselves with all phases ofthe ship’s damage control, fire-fighting,and defense proceduresAssisting with the instruction of divisionpersonnel in damage control, fire-fighting,egress, and CBR defense proceduresEnsuring the preparation and maintenanceof a damage control checkoff list for allspaces under their cognizanceSupervising the setting of specifieddamage control material conditions withindivision spaces and making requiredreportsWeighing portable CO2 bottles, inspectingand testing damage control and fire-fighting equipment, and preparing requiredreports for approval of the division officerin accordance with current ship’s instruc-tionsEnsuring all battle lanterns, dog wrenches,spanners, and other damage controlequipment are in place and in a usablecondition in all division spacesEnsuring all compartments, piping, cables,and damage control and fire-fighting equip-ment are properly stenciled or identifiedby color codesEnsuring safety precautions and operatinginstructions are posted in required divisionspacesAssisting the division officer in the inspec-tion of division spaces for cleanliness andpreservation and assisting in the prepara-tion of required reportsConducting daily inspections of divisionspaces for the elimination of fire hazards• Performing such other duties with referenceto damage control and maintenance ofdivision spaces as maybe directed by thedivision leading petty officer, divisionofficer, fire marshal, DCA, and executiveofficer• Following the ten commandments ofdamage control (See fig. 7-1.)PHASES OF THE SHIP’SDAMAGE CONTROL FIREFIGHTING AND DEFENSEThe five phases of the ship’s damage controlfire fighting and defense are the fire-main system,communications equipment, electrical systems,watertight closures, and ventilation systems.Fire-Main SystemThe fire-main system receives water pumpedfrom the sea. It distributes this water to fireplugs,Figure 7-1.-The ten commandments of damage control.7-5
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