(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(l0)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)FIRE DUTIESDCC Supervisor/Locker LeaderOn-Scene Leader#1 Nozzleman#2 Nozzleman#1 Hoseman#2 Hoseman#1 Plugman#2 PlugmanElectricianAccessman/Compartment TesterStretcher BearerBoundary SetterBoundary SetterC O2 M anFoam ManSprinklemanDCC/Repair Locker Phone TalkerOn-Scene Phone TalkerCOLLISION/FLOODING DUTIESDCC Supervisor/Locker LeaderOn-Scene LeaderInvestigatorAssistant InvestigatorShoring DetailPump DetailShoring DetailShoring DetailElectricianPump DetailStretcher BearerBoundary SetterBoundary SetterPump DetailPump DetailPump DetailDCC/Repair Locker Phone TalkerOn-Scene Phone TalkerFigure 7-3.-Minimum acceptable duty in-port fire party assignments.the primary fire team if needed. Figure 7-3 liststhe minimum acceptable duty in-port fire partyassignments.• AT-SEA FIRE PARTY. Ships are requiredto organize an at-sea fire-fighting party (fig. 7-4).It may serve either as a standing organization oras a special detail for evolutions such as weaponshandling, underway replenishment, helicopteroperations, and towing operations. The at-sea fireparty1.2.3.must be prepared to do the following:Respond immediately to fire alarms whenrepair parties are not availableExtinguish fires effectively without dis-rupting other ship operationsControl fires until ongoing critical evolu-tions can be terminated and general quartersstations are readyNUMBER OFMEN1222221111XFUNCTION/PROVIDEScene LeaderInvestigator—OBAOBA Tenders—KitNozzleman—OBAHoseman—Foam CansPlugman—C02 BottlesTalker—Sound Powered(2JZ) PhonesMessenger—Message FormsElectrician—Kit, OBACorpsman—KitAircraft Fire Fighters, asappropriateFigure 7-4.-At-sea fire party organization.7-10
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