CHAPTER 7CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, ANDRADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE/DAMAGECONTROLLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you1. Describe the use of chemical, biological, andradiological (CBR) protective clothing andequipment for each level of Mission OrientedProtective Posture (MOPP).2. List the procedures for instructing personnelin the correct use of CBR protective clothingand equipment for each level of MOPP.should be able to do the following:3.4.5.Explain the types of risk assessments used toevaluate the appropriate levels of MOPP.Describe the four levels of MOPP and theassociated countermeasures.Describe the duties of the duty division damagecontrol petty officer (DCPO).In this chapter we will discuss the use ofchemical, biological, and radiological (CBR)protective clothing and equipment for each levelof Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP)and the types of risk assessments used to evaluatethe appropriate levels of MOPP. In addition wewill discuss the duties of the division damagecontrol petty officer (DCPO).MISSION ORIENTEDPROTECTIVE POSTUREMOPP procedures are used to establish levelsof readiness for a chemical agent attack. Theprocedures are flexible. They allow the com-manding officer (CO) to adapt the requirementsfor protective clothing and equipment to thedegree of the threat and working conditions at anygiven time. As an example, personnel doing heavywork in hot weather may suffer heat exhaustionin heavy protective clothing and gas masks.Therefore, unless an attack is actually under way,the CO may relax the protective clothing require-ments to prevent certain injury or sickness fromheat. Other examples include personnel whocannot do their work wearing protective gear,those who need to eat or attend to body functions,and those who must meet other requirements notpossible in protective clothing. The commanddecision to implement each level of MOPP mustbe the result of a risk assessment.RISK ASSESSMENTRisk is defined as the assessed differencebetween the threat level and the activation ofappropriate levels of shipboard countermeasures.The risk of casualties and contamination must beevaluated and weighed against the ability ofpersonnel to perform their duties while beinghindered by individual protective equipment andthe effects of heat stress.MOPP LEVELS ANDASSOCIATED COUNTERMEASURESThe risk of a CBR threat can be categorizedinto four levels of probability:1. SUSPECTED. An adversary who hasCBR-capable delivery systems within the opera-tions area (OPAREA) presents a suspected threat.Implementation of MOPP- 1 countermeasures isindicated.7-1
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