Biological:—Don chemical protective overgarments(jumper and trousers) with hooddown.—Don chemical protective overboots.—Stow personnel decontamination kitin mask carrier.Radiological:—Don battle dress.—Issue individual dosimeters and doseindicators (DT-60, etc.).2. Collective ActivitiesDirect the ship to general quarters(readiness Condition I maybe relaxedand readiness Condition II set at CO’sdiscretion).Fill pre-positioned canteens withpotable water.Assign personnel to decontaminationstat ions and assure operability y,Post CBR detection and monitoringteams equipped with required instru-ments and supplies designated by theship’s CBR defense bill for readinessCondition I or II.Strike below, as appropriate, vulnerableflammable and absorbent weather-deckmaterials.Set material condition ZEBRA.Limit weather-deck activities to essen-tial functions.Post and monitor installed CBR detec-tion equipment and materials as desig-nated by the ship’s CBR defense bill.3. Shipboard systemsActivate countermeasures washdownsystem intermittently.Ensure collective protection systems arefully operational and access/exit proce-dures are in effect.MOPP Level-4(Imminent Threat) ProtectionDuring MOPP level-4 the following actionsmust be taken:1. Individual Protection• For all CBR threats, don protectivemask.• Chemical/Biological:—Secure jumper hood over head andaround mask.—Don chemical protective glove set.• Radiological: Don battle dress.2. Collective Activities.Direct the ship to general quarters (ifnot previously in effect).Implement mandatory water-drinkingregimen.Initiate continuous monitoring andoperation of detection equipment.Set Circle WILLIAM on ventilationsystems (except Collective ProtectionSystem [CPS]).Radiological: Secure sea chests forunderwater nuclear detonations, asdirected by the Ship’s CBR defense bill.Prepare NBC Warning and Reportingsystem (NBCWRS) messages fortransmission.3. Shipboard systems—Activate counter-measures washdown system to operatecontinuously.DUTIES OF THE DIVISIONDAMAGE CONTROL PETTYOFFICERDamage control petty officers (DCPOs)normally serve for a period of 6 months. Theyare required to check with the fire marshal and7-4
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