2. Collective ActivitiesReview survival standards and basicoperating standards for CBR environ-ments as described by the ships’s CBRdefense bill.Verify that personnel are assigned toCBR defense teams and review requiredprocedures.Inventory stowed detection andmonitoring equipment, as applicable,for maximum authorized levels, currentshelf life, presence of all components,and function within normal limits.Inventory stowed supplies for personneldecontamination stations, shipboarddecontamination teams, and biologicalsampling.Inventory stowed water canteens toensure adequacy of allowance service-ability.Replace expired, missing or consumedequipment, components, and suppliesto maximum authorization levels.Set readiness Condition III (wartimesteaming).Set material condition YOKE.3. Shipboard SystemsOperationally test collective protectionsystems, where available.Test installed detection and monitoringsystems.MOPP Level-2(Possible Threat) ProtectionDuring MOPP level-2 the following actionsmust be taken:1.2.Individual Protection—For all CBR threats,maintain protective mask in carrier and onperson.Collective Activities• Designate primary and secondary per-sonnel decontamination stations withrespective weather-deck and internalaccess/exit routes.Pre-position decontamination suppliesin decon stations and at respectiverepair lockers as required by the ship’sCBR defense bill.Pre-position stowed detection, moni-toring equipment, and supplies at loca-tions designated by the ship’s CBRdefense bill.Pre-position empty canteens at stagingareas as designated by the ship’s CBRdefense bill.Set material condition ZEBRA (mod-ified).3. Shipboard Systems• Operationally test countermeasureswashdown system.• Test shipboard alarms.MOPP Level-3(Probable Threat) ProtectionDuring MOPP level-3 the following actionsmust be taken:1. Individual ProtectionFor all CBR threats, install new filtercanisters on protective masks; maintainin carrier and on person.Provide wet-weather gear for donningover other protective clothing and equip-ment for all weather-deck activities.Chemical:—Don chemical protective overgarments(CPO) (jumper and trousers) withhood down.—Don chemical protective overboots.—Stow personnel decontamination kitin mask carrier.—Stow chemical protective glove setand medical supply items in thejumper cargo pocket.—Initiate pyridostigmine pretreatmentregimen.7-3
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