2. POSSIBLE. The expressed affirmation or
assessed political will of an adversary to use CBR
warfare increases the threat potential to a possible
involvement in a CBR environment. Implemen-
tation of MOBB-2 countermeasures is indicated.
3. PROBABLE. Statements of intent to
employ CBR warfare, directed at U.S. forces or
allies, changes in political or military posture of
an adversary possessing CBR capabilities, or use
of CBR warfare within the OPAREA present a
chance of probable involvement in a CBR
environment. This threat level requires an estimate
of the earliest time the CBR environment will be
encountered. This estimate must be based on the
strike ranges of delivery systems and the time it
takes the strike to arrive at the nearest range
limits. Implementation of MOPP-3 counter-
measures is indicated.
4. IMMINENT. Confirmation of increased
activity involving delivery systems, recognized
platform attack patterns, electronic or visual
indication of employment of delivery systems, or
the immediate proximity of known CBR hazard
areas present an imminent danger of contamina-
tion and/or casualties. Implementation of
MOPP-4 countermeasures is essential.
The decision to initiate or upgrade the ships
MOPP begins with determining the threat level,
ships mission, and the corresponding MOPP-
level countermeasures that provide the minimum
acceptable degree of risk. An increase in the threat
level does not necessarily justify immediate
execution of all countermeasures included in the
corresponding MOPP level.
The next step is to determine the time at which
the countermeasures comprising that MOPP level
should begin. The time required to take counter-
measures must be compared to the time remaining
until either the threat level increases or the risk
becomes unacceptable. Waiting too long to start
countermeasures increases the risk to the ships
mission because of the risk to personnel surviv-
ability. Alternately, starting countermeasures too
early will degrade the crews performance for
sustained operations in the CBR environment and
will ultimately limit the ships ability to complete
the mission. All countermeasures must be in
effect immediately before the ship becomes
involved in a CBR environment.
Immediately following the attack, an assess-
ment of the ships involvement in the CBR hazard
is required to determine which countermeasures
should remain in effect to enhance survivability
and sustain operation. Frequent reassessments
should be made to identify the earliest practical
time(s) to secure the countermeasures and upgrade
crew performance for optimum mission capability.
MOPP Level-1
(Suspected Threat) Protection
During MOPP level-1 the following actions
must be taken:
1. Individual ProtectionIssue the following
individual protective equipment and medical
supply items to shipboard personnel and
maintain them at respective battle stations:
Protective masks (fitted for immediate
Chemical protection
Protective masks (with new, unopened
Chemical protective overgarments (2
Chemical protective overboots
Chemical protective glove set
Personnel decontamination kit
Medical supply items
Atropine auto-injectors (3)
2-PAM-\Cl auto-injectors (2)
Pyridostigmine pretreatment tablets
Biological protectionConsists of the
same protective equipment required
for chemical protection, minus the
medical items. Chemical threat is
assumed to be worst case, unless
Radiological protectionRequires
the mask only (with new, unopened