instructional methods and techniques, 5-4demonstration method, 5-5discussion method, 5-5lecture method, 5-4Instructor duty, 4-10Instructor Services Program, 4-9JJoint Chiefs of Staff, 1-5Money management, 4-12allotments, 4-13budgeting, 4-13checking account, 4-12savings account, 4-12Monthly training plan, 5-15Mopp levels and associated countermeasures, 7-1MOPP level-1, 7-2MOPP level-2, 7-3MOPP level-3, 7-3MOPP level-4, 7-4LNLateral Conversion Program, 4-8Leadership, 2-1advising and counseling, 2-13equal opportunity, 2-6leadership skills, 2-6leadership style, 2-10Navy Leader Development Program(NAVLEAD), 2-1role of the leading petty officer (LPO), 2-2time management, 2-5Leadership skills, 2-6Leadership style, 2-10Long-range training plan, 5-9MM258A1 skin decontaminating kit, 6-20facial skin decontamination, 6-21general skin decontamination, 6-21Master chief petty officer of the Navy, 1-9Material condition of readiness, 7-16CIRCLE WILLIAM, 7-18CIRCLE XRAY, 7-17CIRCLE YOKE, 7-17CIRCLE ZEBRA, 7-18DOG ZEBRA, 7-18WILLIAM, 7-18XRAY, 7-16YOKE, 7-17ZEBRA, 7-18MCU-2/P protective mask, 6-13donning procedures, 6-16leak check and removal, 6-15mask adjustment and preparation, 6-14selection of mask size, 6-14Military Assistance Advisory Groups/Mis-sions, 4-10Mission Oriented Protective7-1risk assessment, 7-1Posture (MOPP),National Apprentice Program, 4-9Naval Air Systems Command, 1-11Naval Data Automation Command, 1-13Naval Education and Training Command, 1-12Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1-12Naval Intelligence Command, 1-12Naval Legal Service Command, 1-12Naval Oceanography Command, 1-13Naval organization, 1-1chain of command for combat forces, 1-3congressional action, 1-2early development of the Navy, 1-1modifications to the Navy’s organization,1-2refinements of the Navy’s organization, 1-2relationship to the Department of Defense,1-3Naval Sea Systems Command, 1-11Naval Security and Investigative Command, 1-12Naval Security Group Command, 1-12Naval Space Command, 1-12Naval Supply Systems Command, 1-11Naval Telecommunications Command, 1-12Navy Campus, 4-9Navy Department, the, 1-6Assistant Secretary of the Navy (FinancialManagement), 1-7Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpowerand Reserve Affairs), 1-7Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research,Engineering, and Systems), 1-7Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Shipbuildingand Logistics), 1-8Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 1-11Chief of Naval Operations, 1-8Chief of Naval Personnel, 1-10Commandant of the Marine Corps, 1-10master chief petty officer of the Navy, 1-9Naval Air Systems Command, 1-11Naval Data Automation Command, 1-13INDEX-3
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