5. Sabotage —Terrorist groups may use varioussabotage methods to harass and demoralizepersonnel. Some of those methods include fires,explosive devices, mechanical devices, chemicals,psychological abuse, and unauthorized entries intocomputers.TERRORIST THREAT TYPESTerrorist threats are divided into the followingsix categories:1. Threat Type One. One or more outsiders(nongovernment persons) who seek access to abase or restricted area or asset to perform anunauthorized act such as vandalism or theft2. Threat Type Two. An individual or group,authorized access to a base or restricted area orasset, seeking to steal or remove an item ofgovernment property from the installation3. Threat Type Three. A disgruntledemployee seeking to perform an act of sabotage,data tampering, or wrongful destruction or other-wise destroy government property or impairmission accomplishment4. Threat Type Four. An individual (outsider)or group seeking to make a political statement(antimilitary, antidefense, antinuclear, and soforth) by causing adverse publicity, usuallynonviolent in nature, to embarrass the militaryservice5. Threat Type Five. An individual (outsider)terrorist, in philosophy and action, seeking accessto a naval installation to commit an act of violence(sabotage, bombing, hostage abduction, murder,arson, or theft of sensitive matter includingnuclear weapons, conventional arms, ammunitionand explosives, and so forth)6. Threat Type Six. A 2-to-12 person groupof well-armed, well-trained dedicated terroristsseeking access to a naval installation to commitan act of violence (sabotage, bombing, hostageabduction, murder, arson, or theft of sensitivematter including nuclear weapons, conventionalarms, ammunition, explosives, and so forth)Commanding officers must have contingencyplans to counter the six threat types. The followingtable summarizes the more sensitive areas andthe threat types that must be included in acommanding officer’s contingency plan.Under Normal ConditionsCommanding Officers MustHave Ability To CounterAREASBasesShipyardsAviation (as an example,flight lines)WaterfrontsNuclear WeaponsStorageCommunicationsFacilitiesIntelligenceCollection/SensitiveCommunication SitesConventional Arms,Ammunition and Ex-plosives Storage SitesBulk Petroleum, Oil,and Lubricants (POL)(ground fuels, POLwar reserve, etc. )Nuclear WeaponsConventional MunitionsSmall Arms (Armories)Supply itemsFunds and NegotiableinstrumentsDrugs, Drug AbuseItemsPrecious MetalsClassified Information/MaterialAutomatic Data Pro-cessing (ADP) FacilitiesAviation1111111Treat- Types2345623452345234523456234523452345623452345623452345234523234232342342345THREAT CONDITIONSIndications and warnings of terrorist activityagainst naval installations and personnel will8-211111111111
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