When a fan room door must be kept open tosupply air to a fan or to exhaust air from it, thedoor should have the same classification as thatof the fan. For example, a fan room containinga YOKE fan has a YOKE door; a room containingYOKE and ZEBRA fans has a ZEBRA door. Allother fan room doors are classified XRAY.A classification has no bearing on the securityof a space. A space classified ZEBRA may, forsecurity reasons, be locked during conditionYOKE if the space is unattended. However, thelocking must be reported to the DCA or to theOOD.When material conditions of readiness arebeing set, the ship’s first concern is the require-ment for watertight, airtight, firetight, andfumetight integrity. Living conditions and accessCondition YOKE may also be modified in asimilar manner when appropriate.All ships are required to prepare and maintaina DC closure log (fig. 7-6).Strict discipline must be maintained in themodification of a material condition of readiness.As mentioned before, you must obtain permissionbefore you change a material condition setting inany way. Obtain the permission from the DCAor the OOD. During general quarters, repair partyofficers control the opening and closing of allfittings in the assigned areas. The repair partyofficers must keep DCC informed so that theship’s DC closure log can be kept up-to-date.The closure log is maintained at all times,ofto spaces are secondary requirements. During longwhether the ship is in port or under way. Theperiods at general quarters, however, conditionclosure log is used to show the following:ZEBRA may, with the commanding officer’spermission, be relaxed to pass battle rations and• Where the existing material conditionto allow the crew to use the head facilities. Thereadiness has been modifiedopening of certain weather-deck doors permitsnatural ventilation to replace the stuffiness at• The fitting’s type, number, and classifica-some general quarters stat ions with fresh air.tionFigure 7-6.-DC closure log.7-19
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