ZEBRA fittings are marked with a red Z.These closures are secured during conditionZEBRA. You must have proper authorization toopen fittings with this classification when the shipis in condition ZEBRA. You will find thisclassification on the following closures:All remaining doors and hatches forroutine accessAccess to all shops; labs; and commissary,utility, control, and hospital spacesAccess to all officesAccess to equipment rooms occupiedwhen associated control room is in useMain access to machinery spacesAccess to issue roomsAccess to the steering gear roomAccess to the enclosed operating stationsAccess to hangar and flight deck controlstationsAccess to the garbage disposal roomAccess to the trash burner and bin roomCIRCLE ZEBRA fittings are marked with ared Z inside a red circle. These modified fittingsare secured during condition ZEBRA. CIRCLEZEBRA fittings may be opened with the com-manding officer’s permission during prolongedperiods of general quarters. The opening of thesefittings allows evolutions such as the preparationand distribution of battle rations, opening oflimited sanitary facilities, ventilation of battlestations, and access for aviation personnel to theflight deck. When open, CIRCLE ZEBRA fittingsmust be guarded so that they may be closedimmediately if necessary. You will find thisclassification on the following closures:• Limited doors or scuttles from the weatherdeck to the crews’ galley• Doors from aviators and flight crew readyrooms to the flight deckDOG ZEBRA fittings are marked with a redZ inside a black D. These modified fittings aresecured during condition ZEBRA and darken-shipconditions. You must have proper authorizationto open fittings with this classification when theship is at either condition ZEBRA or darken ship.You will find this classification on the followingclosures:• Doors to the weather deck, excludingthose classified XRAY or YOKE, that donot have a darken-ship switch or a darken-ship curtain• Airports (portholes)WILLIAM fittings are marked with a blackW. These fittings are kept open during all materialconditions. WILLIAM fittings are secured onlyas necessary to control damage or CBR con-tamination and to make repairs to the equipmentserved. You will find this classification on thefollowing fittings:Vital sea suction valves that supply themain and auxiliary condensers, fire pumps,and spaces that are manned during con-ditions XRAY, YOKE, and ZEBRAVital valves that if secured would impairthe mobility and fire protection of the shipCIRCLE WILLIAM fittings are marked witha black W inside a black circle. These fittings arenormally kept open, as is the case with WILLIAMfittings. They must, however, be secured toprevent the spread of damage and as a defensemeasure when a CBR attack is imminent. You willfind this classification on the following closures:Doors to the pilot house, flag bridge, andsignal shelterVentilation systems to main and auxiliarymachinery spaces, generator spaces, andother systems and fittings serving spacesin continuous useIf access to a space is through a series ofhatches and/or scuttles, all of the closures thatprovide that access must bear the same classifica-tion as that of the space. For example, a pumproom is classified as CIRCLE YOKE. This meansit is open during condition XRAY and closedduring condition YOKE. All hatches, scuttles, anddoors that provide access to the pump room mustalso be classified CIRCLE YOKE to allow routineaccess to the pump room.7-18
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