Figure 1-6.-The major shore commands.
central authority for electronics standards,
technology, and compatibility.
Naval Sea Systems Command
The Commander, Naval Sea Systems Com-
mand (NAVSEA), researches, develops, procures,
furnishes logistic support, and other material
functions. NAVSEA carries out these functions
for ships and craft, shipboard weapons systems
and expendable ordnance, and air-launched mines
and torpedoes. This command is also responsible
for the above functions in shipboard systems and
components. Some of these are propulsion
(including nuclear), power-generating, sonar,
search radar, and auxiliary equipment. NAVSEA
is responsible for ship system integration and for
coordination of logistic support for ships.
NAVSEA has central authority for ship and
nuclear power safety; for explosives, propellants,
and actuating parts; and for explosive safety and
explosive ordnance disposal. This command also
provides technical and material support for diving
and for salvage of stranded and sunken ships,
craft, aircraft, and other objects. NAVSEA also
coordinates shipbuilding conversion and repair in
the Navy and DOD.
Naval Air Systems Command
The Commander,
mand (NAVAIR), is
Naval Air Systems Com-
responsible for research,
development, test, evaluation, procurement, and
logistic support in several areas. These areas
include Navy and Marine Corps aircraft, air
launched weapons, and other aviation-related
equipment. NAVAIR is responsible for the
systems integration of aircraft weapons systems
and for audiovisual and meteorological equip-
ment. This command manages target ranges and
test facilities in support of these needs.
Naval Supply Systems Command
The Commander, Naval Supply Systems
Command (NAVSUP), develops supply manage-
ment policies and methods. NAVSUP also
controls the Naval Supply System, publications
and printing, the resale program, the Navy Stock
Fund, and the field purchasing services. NAVSUP
provides material support for materials handling,
food service equipment, and special clothing. It
provides accounting support to Navy activities as
assigned and is responsible for transportation of
Navy property.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
The Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
(BUMED), directs the provision of medical and
dental services for authorized personnel within
assigned geographic and mission-specific com-
mands. BUMED makes sure health care program
policies are maintained and carried out. It also