To provide a plan for dependent care
arrangements, the Navy requires all single
parents and dual military couples with children
to complete what form?
What is the broad purpose of the Casualty
Assistance Calls Program (CACP)?
How does the Navy accomplish its CACP
Opportunity program is to promote
positive command morale and quality
of life and to provide an environment
in which all personnel can perform to
unimpeded by any institutional or
individual biases based on racial,
As a petty officer you are in charge of maintaining
good morale. You can only achieve this by treating all
people equally and by giving everyone an equal chance
to learn new skills and benefit from the many
opportunities available in the Navy. The Navy's Equal
Opportunity (EO) Program assures that Navy personnel
have equal access to the opportunities and rewards of the
Navy organization. The EO Program guarantees the
rights of equality of opportunity and treatment for all,
regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national
origin within constraints of the law.
If unequal or unfair treatment exists, it will show up
quickly in low personnel performance. Mix unequal or
unfair treatment with poor leadership and you have the
makings of trouble. Active use of equal and fair
treatment coupled with good leadership provide a
successful formula for outstanding performance. Always
remember to treat others the way you want them to treat
Equal Opportunity and Human
Rights as an Element of Leadership
The qualities of an effective leader were previously
described. Now you will study an element that is part of
basic leadership. It is equal opportunity. All personnel
should set an outstanding example, motivate
subordinates, and always enforce standards to prevent
discrimination. There is no room in the Navy for
discrimination. We must enforce the standards set for us
to make sure race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national
origin within constraints of the law are not factors in the
treatment of our people or their families on or off base.
EO and treatment and understanding of cultural
differences are all parts of leadership and supervision.
By practicing EO, you will attain and maintain a high
state of morale and military effectiveness. EO must aim
toward a Navy environment in which considera-tion and
treatment are equal to all based on individual effort,
performance, conduct, diligence, and talent.
The achievement of EO and human rights is part of
meeting the challenge of high moral, ethical, and
behavioral standards. Making sure these standards are
upheld and not degraded through ignorance, neglect, or
indifference is the responsibility of all Navy personnel.
Senior petty officers betray their juniors when they fail
to support EO or fail to insist that others support EO.
Similarly, a senior does not fulfill his or her
responsibility to the Navy by tolerating laxity, slackness,
lack of discipline, or unmilitary behavior by those over
whom the senior has supervisory responsibility.
Therefore, as an element of leadership, EO and
human rights enhance the total quality of life of Navy
personnel. They also increase the capability of the Navy
to fulfill its mission.
Command Managed Equal
Opportunity Program
The Command Managed Equal Opportunity
(CMEO) Program ensures that equal opportunity exists
at the unit level. CMEO is a tool for detecting and
preventing discrimination. Under this program
individual commands are required to monitor their EO
climate, conduct command assessments, provide EO
training, and ensure proper handling and reporting of
complaints and incidents. An environment in which
equal opportunity exists for all members is essential to
attaining and maintaining high command morale,