to complete a Family Care Plan Certificate, NAVPERS
1740/6, which provides a plan for dependent care
arrangements. The plan must include details, such as
who will provide care for the children during the parents
normal duty hours, temporary additional duty (TAD)
assignments, and deployments, as well as other pertinent
information. The parent also must provide a will with
guardianship provisions and a power of attorney
authorizing medical care. OPNAVINST 1740.4,
Department of the Navy Family Care Policy, outlines
the family care plan and specifies the information
parents must include on the certificate.
Some people worry that their status as a single
parent may hurt their Navy career, but this simply is not
true. As long as parents keep an up-to-date family-care
certificate in their record, they have no limits on what
they can achieve. Parenting in the Navy is not easy, but
an understanding of Navy policy can help a Sailors
career run smoothly. Parents should realize the Navy
expects them to accept full responsibility for the care of
their children as well as their job requirements.
Casualty Assistance Calls
The broad purpose of the Casualty Assistance Calls
Program (CACP) is to offer support to the next of kin of
Navy members involved in a casualty. The Navy seeks
to accomplish this through personal visits by a
uniformed Navy representative called a casualty
assistance calls officer (CACO). Only an officer with a
minimum of 2 years of active duty or a qualified senior
enlisted member of pay grade E-7 or above may serve as
a CACO. Persons given the task of CACO normally
assume this responsibility as their primary duty; it takes
precedence over all assigned duties.
The CACP offers support in the following ways:
Assuring the next of kin of the Navys interest
in their well-being
Showing concern for members reported missing
while the search for them is underway
Extending sympathy in the case of death
Helping survivors adjust to situations imposed
upon them by a tragic circumstance
Under the Personal Excellence Program for
education, what program improves basic
Under the Personal Excellence Program for
citizenship, what core values are emphasized?
The Navy Excellence Partnership Program is a
collaborative effort among whom?
What is the long-term goal of the Navy
Excellence Partnership Program?
Family Service Centers Programs are offered to
Each FSC has an information and referral
specialist who provides what service?
How does FSC provide for preventative
education and enrichment?
Short-term counseling from FSC can provide
assistance in what areas?
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) was
established by what agency to address what
Whom should child or spousal abuse or neglect
be reported to besides your chain of command?
What program allows spouses of Navy members
to care for children of Navy personnel in
government quarters?