surface craft. The S-3 Viking is an example of such anaircraft.The Viking (fig. 8-47) is a high-wing, jet-powered,twin-engine, carrier-based ASW aircraft. It carriessurface and subsurface search equipment withintegrated target-acquisition and sensor-coordinatingsystems that collect, interpret, and store ASW sensordata. It has direct attack capability with a variety ofarmaments.Warning AircraftCarrier-based airborne early warning (AEW)aircraft maintain station at some distance from a taskforce to provide early warning of approaching enemyaircraft and direct interceptors into attack position.E-2C HAWKEYE.—The E-2C Hawkeye (fig.8-48) has long-range antennas that are enclosed in asaucer-shaped, rotating disk atop the fuselage. TheHawkeye is manned by a crew of five.ES-3 SHADOW.— The ES-3 Shadow (fig. 8-49) isa jet aircraft used to collect and disseminate tacticalaircraft resembles the S-3 Viking, with the addition ofnumerous antennas and antenna housings. The ES-3Shadow is a carrier-based, subsonic, all-weather,long-range, electronic reconnaissance aircraft. Itoperates primarily with carrier battle groups providingindications and warning support to the battle group andjoint theater commanders. It carries an electronicsensors and communications gear.C-2A GREYHOUND.— The C-2A Greyhound(fig. 8-50) is a twin-engine cargo aircraft, designed toland on aircraft carriers. The C-2A Greyhound provideslogistics support to aircraft carriers. It’s powered by twoPT-6 turboprop engines and can deliver a payload of upto 10,000 pounds. The cabin can carry cargo,8-37Student Notes:Photograph courtesy of LCDR Mike HarrisonFigure 8-44.—F-14 Tomcat.Photograph courtesy of Randy HeppFigure 8-45.—F/A-18 Hornet.Photograph courtesy of PH2 Damon J. MortizFigure 8-46.—P-3 Orion.Photograph courtesy of LCDR Mike HarrisonFigure 8-47.—S-3 Viking refueling an F-14 Tomcat.
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