passengers, or both. It’s also equipped to accept litterpatients in medical evacuation missions. Cargo such asjet engines can be transported from shore to ship in amatter of hours. A cage system or transport standprovides cargo restraint for loads during carrier launchor landing. The large aft cargo ramp and door and apowered winch allow straight-in rear cargo loading anddownloading for fast turnaround. The C-2A’sopen-ramp flight capability allows airdrop of suppliesand personnel from a carrier-launched aircraft. This,plus its folding wings and an on-board auxiliary poweru n i t f o r e n g i n e s t a r t i n g a n d g r o u n d p ow e rself-sufficiency in remote areas, provide an operationalversatility found in no other cargo aircraft.C-2 SKYTRAIN.—The C-9 Skytrain (fig. 8-51)fleet is located throughout the continental United States,Europe, and Asia. The Navy and Marine Corps C-9aircraft provide cargo and passenger transportation aswell as forward deployment logistics support. The AirForce C-9s are used for medical evacuation, passengertransportation, and special missions. The C-9 Skytrainis the military version of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9used for many years by commercial airlines.C-12 HURON.—The C-12 Huron is a twin-enginelogistics aircraft that carries passengers and cargobetween military installations. The C-12F provideslogistics support between Navy air stations. It’spowered by two PT-6A-42 turboprop engines and candeliver a total payload of up to 4,215 pounds. The cabincan carry cargo, passengers, or both. It is also equippedto accept litter patients in medical evacuation missions.C-130 HERCULES.—The C-130 Hercules (fig.8-52) is a four-engine turboprop aircraft. It’s theworkhorse of the military services, capable of landingand taking off from short, rough dirt runways. It’s apeople and cargo hauler that’s used in a wide variety ofother roles, such as gunships, weather watchers,tankers, firefighters and aerial ambulances. There aremore than 40 versions of the Hercules, and it is widelyused by more than 50 nations.T-45A GOSHAWK.—The T-45A Goshawk (fig.8-53) is a tandem-seat, carrier capable, jet trainer. The8-38Student Notes:Photograph courtesy of PH2 Damon J. MortizFigure 8-48.—E-2C Hawkeye waits for direction prior toflight operations on the USS Enterprise (CVN 65).Photograph courtesy of LCDR Mike HarrisonFigure 8-49.—ES-3 Shadow landing aboard USS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73).Photograph courtesy of Larry SmithFigure 8-50.—C-2A Greyhound landing aboardUSS John F. Kennedy (CV 67).
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