The Osprey is a tiltrotor aircraft with a 38-foot rotorsystem and engine/transmission nacelle mounted oneach wing tip. It can operate as a helicopter when takingoff and landing vertically. Once airborne, the nacellesrotate 90 degrees for horizontal flight, converting theV-22 to a high-speed, fuel-efficient turboprop airplane.The wing rotates for compact storage aboard ship. Thefirst flight occurred in March 1989. The V-22 is theworld’s first production tiltrotor aircraft. Plannedpurchases include 360 for the Marine Corps, 48 for theNavy, and 50 for the Air Force.TH-57 Sea RangerThe TH-57 Sea Ranger is a derivative of thecommercial Bell Jet Ranger 206. Although primarilyused for training, these aircraft are also used for photo,chase, and utility missions. The Jet Ranger was initiallydesigned to compete in a U.S. Army light observationhelicopter competition. Bell lost that competition; but,the 206 was commercially successful. The TH-57 SeaRanger provides advanced (IFR) training to severalhundred aviation students a year at Naval Air StationWhiting Field in Milton, Florida.8-42Student Notes:Figure 8-59.—MH-53E Sea Dragon.
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