T-45A aircraft is used for intermediate and advancedportions of the Navy/Marine Corps pilot trainingprogram for jet carrier aviation and tactical strikemissions. There are two versions of T-45 aircraftcurrently in operational use at this time.The T-45A has an analog design cockpit.The T-45C is built around a new digital “glasscockpit” design.T- 3 4 C T U R B O M E N T O R . — T h e T- 3 4 CTurbomentor is an unpressurized two-seat, tandemcockpit low-wing turboprop trainer. The T-34C is usedto provide primary flight training for student pilotsattached to the Chief of Naval Air Training. As asecondary mission, approximately 10 percent of theaircraft provide pilot proficiency and other aircraftsupport services.CURRENT ROTARY-WING NAVYAIRCRAFTSince World War II, the helicopter has become anindispensable part of naval warfare. Its applicationsseem limitless—ASW; pilot rescue; transfer ofsupplies, mail, and personnel within dispersed forces;amphibious warfare; evacuation of wounded;counterinsurgency; minesweeping; and others. Figure8-54 shows representative types of rotary-wing aircraft.CH-46 Sea KnightThe Sea Knight (fig. 8-55) is a twin-turbinetransport helicopter that provides the fleet with aday/night underway replenishment capability. It is usedprimarily for supply missions at sea and for casualtyevacuation. Its carrying capacity is 25 troops, 15 littersand attendants, or 4,000 pounds of cargo. Rotor bladesfold for shipboard use. The CH-46 is a small version ofthe Army’s Chinook.8-39Student Notes:Photograph courtesy of Senior Airman Delia CastilloFigure 8-51.—C-2 Skytrain.Photograph courtesy of SGT David W. RichardsFigure 8-52.—C-130 Hercules.Photograph courtesy of Bob Lawson, USN (Ret)Figure 8-53.—T-45A Goshawk.
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