seeking and engaging submarines many miles from theship, the Seahawk helicopter is able to provide targetinginformation for over-the-horizon, surface-to-surfacemissiles. The secondary mission of the Seahawkhelicopter is search and rescue, medical evacuation,vertical replenishment, and communications relay.MH-53E Sea DragonThe MH-53E (fig. 8-59) is used primarily forairborne mine countermeasures, with a secondarymission of shipboard delivery. The MH-53E SeaDragon is heavier and has a greater fuel capacity than itsancestor, the CH-53E Super Stallion. MH-53s canoperate from carriers and other warships. The SeaDragon is capable of carrying up to 55 troops or a 16-tonpayload 50 nautical miles or a 10-ton payload 500nautical miles. The MH-53E is capable of towing avariety of mine-sweeping countermeasures systems,including the Mk 105 minesweeping sled, the ASQ-14side-scan sonar, and the Mk 103 mechanical mine-sweeping system.V-22A OspreyThe V-22 Osprey is a joint-service, multimissionaircraft with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL)capability. It performs VTOL missions as effectively asa conventional helicopter while also having thelong-range cruise abilities of a twin turboprop aircraft.The Marine Corps is the lead service in the developmentof the Osprey. The Marine Corps version, the MV-22A,will be an assault transport for troops, equipment andsupplies, and will be capable of operating from ships orfrom expeditionary airfields ashore. The Navy’sHV-22A will provide combat search and rescue,delivery and retrieval of special warfare teams alongwith fleet logistic support transport. The Air ForceCV-22A will conduct long-range special operationsmissions.8-41Photograph courtesy of PH2(NAC) Jeff VianoFigure 8-56.–SH-2 SeaspritePhotograph courtesy of SSGT D.W. MobleyFigure 8-57.—CH-53D Sea Stallion airlifts grain for Somalia.Student Notes:Photograph courtesy of PH3 Anthony HaleyFigure 8-58.—SH-60B Seahawk aboard USS Carney(DDG 64) during VERTREP.
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