AIRCRAFT MODEL DESIGNATIONSAll aircraft have tri-service designations; that is, agiven aircraft has the same alphanumeric identificationsymbol, regardless of which service uses the aircraft.Look at table 8-2. Here, you can find the four basic partsof an aircraft model designation.1. Mission/type modification symbol2. Basic mission/type symbol3. Aircraft series number4. Model series letterNow, let’s try out this system of aircraft designation.For example:EA-6B Prowler1. Find the letter “E” in the first column of thetable. This aircraft has special electronics.2. Find the letter “A” in the second column of thetable. The basic mission symbol tells you thatthis is an attack aircraft.3. The third column of the table explains thenumber after the dash. This is the sixth aircraftof this series.8-34Figure 8-40.—Rotary-wing aircraft.Mission/typemodification symbolBasic mission/typesymbolAircraft seriesnumberModel seriesletterA Attack A AttackThese numbers areassigned sequentiallywithin each basic missioncategory. The number isseparated from the basicmission symbol by adash.This letter, added to theseries number, indicates animprovement or alterationof the basic mode. Theseare assigned in sequence;for example: F-4A, F-4B,F-4C, and so forth.C Cargo/transport B BomberD Drone control C Cargo/transportE Special electronics E Special electronicsH Search and rescue F FighterK Tanker H HelicopterL Cold weatheroperationsK TankerM Missile capability O ObservationO Observation P PatrolQ Drone S AntisubmarineR ReconnaissanceT TrainerS Antisubmarine U UtilityT Trainer V Vertical takeoff andlanding (VTOL)/shorttakeoff and landing(STOL)U Utility X ResearchV Staff transportW WeatherreconnaissanceTable 8-2.—Aircraft Model Designations
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