Basically, sexual harassment means botheringsomeone in a sexual way. For a person’s behavior to beconsidered sexual harassment, it must meet threecriteria:1. Be unwelcome2. Be sexual in nature3. Occur in or impact on the work environmentUNWELCOME BEHAVIORUnwelcome behavior is behavior that a persondoesn’t ask for and considers undesirable or offensive.Not everyone has the same perception (idea) of what isundesirable or offensive. What’s okay for some peopleisn’t okay for others.So, whose perception should be used, the personwho is giving the unwelcome behavior or the personreceiving (recipient) the unwelcome behavior? Theperson receiving the behavior is being affected;therefore, it’s the recipient’s perception that counts. Ifthe recipient is a reasonable person and not overlysensitive, behavior which the recipient findsunwelcome should be stopped. From the view of therecipient, this is a reasonable personal standard andis really no more than using common sense.BEHAVIOR WHICH IS SEXUAL INNATUREBehavior that is sexual in nature is fairly easy todetermine. For example, if someone tells sexuallyexplicit jokes, displays sexually suggestive pictures,and talks about sex, that person’s behavior is sexual innature.Some people consider other behaviors, such astouching, to be sexual in some cases but not in others.Not all touching is sexual in nature. However, touchingcertain parts of the body or done suggestively is sexualin nature. Again, using common sense is normallyenough to tell whether a certain behavior is sexual innature.OCCUR IN OR IMPACT ON THE WORKENVIRONMENTFor sexual harassment to occur, unwelcome sexualbehavior must occur in or impact on the workenvironment.Quid Pro Quo (This for That)When someone is offered or denied something thatis work-connected in return for submitting to orrejecting unwelcome sexual behavior, that person isbeing subjected to a type of sexual harassment known asquid pro quo (“this for that”).A person isn’t promoted because he/she didn’tsubmit to unwelcome sexual behavior. This is anexample of quid pro quo sexual harassment. Otherexamples include the loss of a job, a demotion, or a badperformance eval.Basically, if a work-connected decision is madebecause a person is being subjected to or has rejectedunwelcome sexual behavior, sexual harassment hasoccurred. Normally, this is from a senior to a junior,because the senior person can offer something.Hostile EnvironmentIf unwelcome sexual behavior of one or morepersons in a workplace interferes with another person’swork performance, sexual harassment has occurred.Now, suppose the behavior makes the workplaceoffensive, intimidating, or abusive to another person,whether or not work performance is affected. This typeof sexual harassment is called hostile environment. Thefollowing are examples of a person’s behavior thatcould create a hostile environment:Use of sexually explicit or sexually offensivelanguage.Display sexually oriented posters or calendars ofnude or partially clad individuals.Touch someone in a suggestive manner (that is,intentionally brushing against or pinching aperson).Give someone unwelcome letters, cards, or giftsof a personal nature that have sexual overtones.Give unwanted or uninvited pressure for dates.Some types of unwelcome sexual behavior don’thave to create a hostile environment to be sexualharassment. If a person fondles or gropes anotherperson in the workplace, the behavior is consideredsexual harassment. This behavior is considered sexual1-20Student Notes:
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