a.b.c.d.e.f.g.Q5. What must a first-term Sailor have before theycan reenlist or extend?Q6. When leaving the Navy, what determines if youwill be able to reenlist at a later date?Q7. When away from their home district, how can aSailor and his family register to vote?SUMMARYSince the Navy is such a large, diverse, and complexorganization, it requires numerous programs to help itsmembers resolve a wide variety of problems. Forexample, the Command Managed Equal OpportunityProgram makes sure Navy members have the samebasic rights all other citizens in our society enjoy.Department of the Navy policies govern ourday-to-day operations by requiring us to perform tocertain standards. Those policies give us a general goaland the guidelines to achieve that goal. Those policiesand the programs that support them ensure Navypersonnel know how to do their jobs and where to findhelp to resolve their problems.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The four main sources of pollutants are—a. Agricultural runoffb. Industrialc. Municipald. Transportation operationsA2.Pollution affects both the physical andbiological world.A3. The primary pollution concern of the Navy is thepollution produced by shipboard waste.A4.The Navy has been converting their powerplants to use more efficient pollution controlsystems for stack emissions.A5. The agreement the Navy follows to operatemarine sanitation devices (MSDs) and to disposeof treated sewage in foreign waters is the Statusof Forces Agreement (SOFA).A6.Vessels must be at least 25 nautical miles fromthe U.S. coastline before they can dischargeunpulped trash.REVIEW 2 ANSWERA1. The Navy makes every possible effort toimprove the way it uses energy resources,w i t h o u t c o m p ro m i s i n g re a d i n e s s ,effectiveness, or safety.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The Navy Sponsor Program was established bythe Chief of Naval Operations.A2. To request a sponsor, you should fill outNAVPERS 1330/2.A3.The Overseas Duty Support Program (ODSP)provides you with support and information aboutforeign lands.A4. Besides the ODSP, you can get informationabout other countries through the OverseasTransfer Information Service (OTIS).A5.T h eM i l i t a r y C a s h Aw a r d s P ro g r a m(MILCAP) is used to reward individuals fortheir beneficial suggestions, inventions, andscientific achievements.1-25
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