To provide a personnel management program tocontrol rating manning, reduce advancementstagnation, and meet end strength requirementsTo i s s u e r e e n l i s t m e n t c r i t e r i a f o r t h eReenlistment Quality Control ProgramTo establish terms of years an individual mayreenlist based upon Career ReenlistmentObjective (CREO) group of his/her rating andyears of service at the time of reenlistmentTo establish standardized professional growthpoints or high-year tenure (HYT) by paygradeTo establish procedures by which personnel mayrequest consideration for reenlistment/extensionbeyond established professional growth pointsAll first-term Sailors in paygrades E-1 through E-6requesting reenlistment must be approved through theEnlisted Navy Career Options for Reenlistment(ENCORE) Program. E-1/E-2 cannot reenlist unlessinvolved in special programs, such as the 2YO program,and approval is granted through ENCORE. Personnelserving in paygrade E-3 are eligible to reenlist/extendprovided they have met the professional growth criteriaand have been approved through ENCORE.The Reenlistment Quality Control Program usesreenlistment codes to indicate whether you have metprofessional growth criteria. Reenlistment codes reflectthe quality control category and the status of personnelwho separate from the Navy. If you don’t reenlist at yourend of active obligated service (EAOS), your Certificateof Release/Discharge from Active Duty (DD214)indicates your reenlistment code. If you decide toreenlist later on, the reenlistment code indicateswhether or not you’re qualified to reenlist. Thereenlistment codes are as follows:R E - R 1 — R e c o m m e n d e d f o r P r e f e r r e dReenlistmentRE-1—Eligible for ReenlistmentRE-R3—Eligible for Probationary ReenlistmentRE-4—Not Eligible for Reenlistment.STATE AND NATIONAL VOTINGPROCEDURESLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the procedures for state and nationalvoting to include absentee ballots.Democracy depends on its members access to vote.Department of the Navy policy is to ensure its members,their spouses, and their dependents may register andvote in all elections within their home districts.The Chief of Naval Personnel directs andsupervises the Navy’s voting program. The votingprogram makes sure all ships and stations receive votinginformation pamphlets, posters, and materials. Alleligible personnel receive in-hand delivery of theFederal Post Card Application for Absentee Ballot(FPCA), SF Form 76, and revised 1987, for all federalelections. They receive the ballots well in advance of theNovember election. The recommended delivery timefor overseas areas is 15 August and for statesidepersonnel 15 September.REVIEW 8 QUESTIONSQ1. Describe why the Navy has a fraternizationpolicy.Q2. What is the function of the ombudsman?a.b.Q3. How does the ombudsman communicate withNavy families?Q4. List some the agencies or organizationsombudsman works with.1-24Student Notes:
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