Q3. Telling a sexist or racial joke would be anexample of what type of behavior?Q4. To avoid discriminating practices in theoperation of exchanges, commissaries, serviceclubs, and recreational facilities, what docommand facilities provide?Q5. As a military member, where’s the best place foryou or your family to start to resolve an off-basediscrimination complaint?Q6. Service members can attend civil rightsdemonstrations and similar gatherings except forwhat conditions?a.b.c.Q7. You have submitted a special request chit andfeel that the chain of command has not resolvedyour discrimination complaint. What should beyour next course of action?Q8. What is hazing?Q9. What is the Navy’s policy on hazing?SEXUAL HARASSMENTLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall the definition of sexual harassment.Identify the policies that pertain to sexualharassment.All military and civilian personnel in theDepartment of the Navy have responsibilities. One ofthose responsibilities is to maintain high standards ofhonesty, integrity, and conduct to assure properperformance of business and to maintain public trust.Sexual harassment violates those standards, especiallyequal opportunity. Both men and women can be victimsor harassers.Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination.Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances,requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physicalconduct that is sexual nature. Sexual harassment occurswhen—Submission to or rejection of such conduct ismade, either explicitly or implicitly, a term orcondition of a person’s job, pay, or career, orSubmission to or rejection of such conduct by aperson is used as a basis for career oremployment decisions affecting that person, orSuch conduct interferes with an individual’sperformance or creates an intimidating, hostile,or offensive environment.This means that if a supervisor or someone in acommand position makes sexual advances and tells youthat if you don’t go along you could lose your job, not bepromoted, or make it impossible to do your job becauseof that persons actions, you are being sexually harassed.Any supervisor or person in a command positionwho uses sexual behavior to control or affect yourcareer, pay, or job is sexually harassing you. Also,a n y p e r s o n w h o m a ke s u n w e l c o m e ve r b a lcomments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexualnature is sexually harassing you.1-19Student Notes:
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